Chapter 1287 Undead 4
He is completely out of control!
If you want to scold, just scold in your heart!

You scolded Si Kou Yao as a bitch in front of so many people, didn't you intend to seek death?
The people on Si Kou Yao's side, when they heard Zi Xun calling Si Kou Yao a bitch, they were naturally angry and angry!
When the little fan group saw that the mommy they admired was called a slut, their little face was flushed with anger, and they couldn't help waving their little fists, and shouted loudly, "Mommy, he dares to scold you, he will be beaten to death!" Him! Smash him! Smash him!"

Leng Qingjue also smiled coldly, "Tsk tsk tsk, the people from the Zi family are really getting more and more outrageous, no wonder they would do such a shitty thing before, it's really despised, hehehe..."

When Si Kou Yu heard Zi Xun scolding his precious daughter as a slut, he stood up angrily and said to Si Kou Yao sharply, "Yaoer, kill him! What's the matter, I will take care of it for you!!! "

Xiao Chifeng didn't speak, but his fisted hands were obviously bruised.

Even if he doesn't kill him today, he won't let anyone who dares to insult his wife have a good end, and he will be wiped out sooner or later!
Although the big brothers in the fairy world didn't speak, they looked at Zi Xun as if they were looking at a dead person, indicating that this person is hopeless!
Si Kouyao smiled lightly, and said calmly, "Zi Xun, if you feel ashamed, wipe your neck and kill yourself!"

With this sentence, she used the crow's mouth skill that she hadn't seen for a long time!
Back in the day, she was so light, and with a single word, she made the Vice President Ouyang ashamed, and the Ouyang family fell into a scandal and suffered a fiasco.

Now, she is the Great Luo Jinxian, and the crow's mouth skill already has the powerful effect of saying what she says.

Even if you leapfrog, you can kill in seconds!

What's more, it's Zi Xun at the same level.

Zi Xun burst into tears like a bewitched man, then raised the sharp sword in his hand and wiped his neck directly.

His strength was astonishing. This neck wipe cut off half of the neck, and the blood spurted out wildly, forming bloody arrows that shot straight into the air...

Then it turned into a rain of blood and sprinkled on the high platform.

Si Kou Yao seemed to be frightened, she covered her mouth and took a few steps back.

In the eyes of those people in the audience, she was frightened by Zi Xun's extreme behavior!
Zi Changde and the others exclaimed, and they were about to go to the stage to rescue Zi Xun.

Suddenly, an astonishing giant palm appeared in the space, and it slapped Zi Xun directly...

Everyone was horrified to see that Zi Xun's body turned into flying in an instant, and even the fairy baby couldn't escape, so it was completely over!
Whose giant hand is this?

Who has such great energy, can turn Da Luo Jinxian into flying ash with a single slap?
Who is it?who is it?who is it? ? ?

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all of them didn't know what was going on.

Only a few people know it well.

Si Kouyao even laughed inwardly.

Her ancestor really loves her the most!

Look, whoever dares to scold her, the old man will kill him directly!
Just when Si Kou Yao was having fun in her heart, the ancestor reprimanded her in her mind, "You stupid girl, do you think no one will know that you killed him after using the crow's mouth skill? Don't you now?" I know, and after realizing it afterwards, I also know that you did it, and you will still be honest! Little stupid girl, I want the ancestor to clean up the mess for you!"

Just when the members of the Zi family and everyone were startled and suspicious, they suddenly heard the voice of the ancestor Hongjun filling the audience, "Zi Xun, there is more than one death to spare!"

(End of this chapter)

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