Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1317 Surprising system gift package

Chapter 1317 Surprising system gift package
Afterwards, Shen Qing thought of the reason why she was here, it must be this handsome guy who saved her!

After being single for so many years, it's rare to meet such a man she likes this time, should she make a promise with her body?
Just as Shen Qing was rubbing his chin to think about it, the system's voice rang again, "Master, there is a task coming, would you like to take it?"

Shen Qing heard the system explain just now that if she wants to earn plane coins and buy those treasures she longs to have, she has to do tasks or sell things from the plane.

Now when she heard that there was a mission coming, Shen Qing's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Pick it up, of course you have to! Open it for me to see, what kind of mission is it?"

[System task: Five miles ahead, there is a human tribe. It has been attacked by beast tides all year round and bullied by major beast tribes, which has led to the decline of the human race. Please help the human race to rise!After the task is completed, the system will reward the host with 100 million face coins + 100 million merit points.Do you accept the task? 】

Shen Qing looked at this task, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

After thinking about it, she decided to ask clearly, "Mr. System, the definition of this task is too vague. What does it mean to help the rise of the human race? Then how far should I go? The rise of the human race is considered?"

After a while, the female voice of the system replied, "There are several essential points for the rise of the human race: first, the tribe can eat and wear warm; second, have enough strength to resist the beast tide; third, have enough strength to resist Attacks from other orc tribes. As long as these three points are completed, the system mission has been completed."

Shen Qing thought for a while, and then said sharply, "This task is too long, and it won't be completed in a short while. I can continue. But besides this task, is there anything else that can be completed quickly? Task? It doesn’t matter if the reward is a little less, you have to give me a chance to earn face coins! Otherwise, I will starve to death before I earn the face coins!”

The female voice of the system replied again, "Please ask the host to check the novice gift package, you will find the surprise that the system has given you!"

Shen Qing was stunned for a moment, and quickly clicked on the newbie gift package to see what the system called a surprise.
One hundred thousand face coins.

A [-]% discount card, one, valid for one month, within this month, the host can get a [-]% discount on everything consumed in the plane store.

One grain of Xisui Pill can wash the marrow and cut bones, change a person's physique, become an innate spirit body, and then enhance a person's potential, with unlimited potential for development.

A power stone can stimulate the hidden powers in the blood according to personal potential and genes.

A universal refining furnace, which can refine all things in the orc plane.

The novice gift pack contains these five items.

But these five things are all good things for Shen Qing!
Shen Qing smiled happily...

Plane currency is exactly what she needs most now. Although it is not much, it allows her to buy some emergency things.

For shopping, there is a [-]% discount card, which only costs half the price, and it is also the favorite of women when shopping.

The pill of washing the marrow can let her wash the marrow and cut the bones, improve her physique and potential.

This power stone can develop her potential powers.

As for the function of this universal refining furnace, we have to ponder it slowly before we can know the specific function.

After Shen Qing was overjoyed, she directly picked up the marrow washing pill and put it in her mouth.

The elixir turned into a warm current and flowed into her abdomen.

After a while, Shen Qing felt cramps in her abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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