Chapter 1318
At the beginning, Shen Qing could still bear the pain of washing the marrow and cutting the bones, but when the pain came to the back, the pain became more and more intense.

In the end, she was so painful that she couldn't hold it anymore, she fell to the ground of the space, and passed out...

I don't know how long it has passed before Shen Qing wakes up again.

As soon as she regained consciousness, she smelled a disgustingly thick stench like a stinking sewer.

Shen Qing thought of the effect of Xisui Dan described in some novels after taking it.

She immediately lowered her head to look, and sure enough, she found that the stench was emanating from her body.

Shen Qing immediately jumped up and quickly asked the system, "Mr. System, is there a place to take a shower here?"

The female voice of the system replied, "There is no bathing place in the space for the time being, and the host can find a way to build it in the future. However, now the host has to go outside to wash. There is a Lingtan behind this jade cave, and the host can go there to take a bath."

Shen Qing asked the system again, "Is that man back?"

The female voice of the system replied, "I haven't found it yet!"

When Shen Qing heard that the man hadn't come back, she felt relieved and left the space.

Following the system's instructions, she walked towards the back of the jade cave.

After walking for about 100 meters, I found that there was a Lingtan about half an mu square behind, not too deep, and I could see the bottom, and there were some fish swimming in it.

Shen Qing quickly took off the stinky clothes on her body, and told the system to look outside, and if the man came back, she should be notified immediately.

Hearing the system's response of "OK", Shen Qing boldly jumped down.

Shen Qing used the surface of the water as a mirror, and when he saw that his body was covered in black oil stains, and even his eyebrows and eyes could not be discerned, only a pair of eyes were exposed, Shen Qing was terrified by his pervasive appearance. I shook my body.

She quickly soaked in the Lingtan, and rubbed her body vigorously. It took a lot of effort to wash off the oily dirt all over her body.

Shen Qing, who felt refreshed all over, looked at the Lingtan, which was half an acre in size, and felt that he was full of energy after taking the pill of washing marrow.

With this interest, she couldn't help swimming in this Lingtan.

At this time, neither Mr. System nor Shen Qing noticed that there was an extremely strong man lurking in a certain dark corner.

At this time, his eyes that were usually as cold as ice were already shining with fiery light.

Looking at Shen Qing who has been washed clean, her skin as white as jade, and her swimming in the Lingtan like a mermaid, Long Xiao felt that his heart was also provoked by her. up.

When his eyes fell on Shen Qing's charming figure, he suddenly felt his throat a little dry.

It feels like this woman is the most delicious food, making him want to eat her so much! ! !
In his heart, there was also a voice that kept shouting to him, throw her down, throw her down, throw her down...

Shen Qing still didn't know that he was being watched naked, and the system didn't find Long Xiao who had performed the invisibility technique.

When Shen Qing was tired from swimming and wanted to wash his clothes before putting them back on, he suddenly found a man standing by the shore!
Shen Qing was taken aback, and when she was about to exclaim, when she saw the handsome guy who saved her, Queen Shen Qing smiled instantly, hooked her finger at Long Xiao, and said to him with a smile: "Handsome, do you want to come down and play together?"

(End of this chapter)

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