Chapter 1319 Destined!

Long Xiao felt that Shen Qing's voice was very pleasant to hear, like a spell, which made him rush towards her without hesitation.

Although Queen Shen Qing showed a very bold and unrestrained appearance, she was an out-and-out girl who had never had sex before!

When Long Xiao really held her in his arms, Shen Qing trembled when he felt the strength of his body.

Long Xiao seemed to sense her uneasiness, and reached out to pat her on the back lightly, as if to comfort her.

Queen Shen Qing's heart instantly settled down.

Only then did she realize that, with a height of 1.7 meters, she looked so petite and weak in front of this wild and cool man who was nearly two meters tall.

His embrace was generous and warm.

His face is handsome and resolute.

His figure is tall and solid, full of wildness and charm.

Such a high-quality man is placed in front of her with such a big thorn, can she not be moved?
Shen Qing also didn't expect that the cool handsome guy would be as green as her, and knew nothing, he couldn't do anything while hugging her, she couldn't help but chuckle.

When Long Xiao heard her laugh, he looked at her with some confusion.

Seeing his cute face, Shen Qing couldn't help poking him with her finger, and asked him, "Hey, do you have a wife?"

Although she has taken a fancy to this man, if this man is a man of his own, then she will absolutely never touch him!
If there is no owner, that's just right, she wants it!

Long Xiao's heart softened after being poked by Shen Qing, he grabbed her rebellious hand and whispered, "There are no women!"

Shen Qing was secretly surprised when she heard his strange tone.

She obviously doesn't understand the dialect here, but why can she understand what he said without hindrance?
However, she has no time to think about it now.

Later, when she asked, the system gentleman explained to her, "When the system is merging with the host, it has directly implanted various languages ​​of the orc plane into the host's soul, so that the host can communicate with the aborigines without any obstacles." communicate."

Shen Qing is not a hypocritical woman.

Her bold temperament, coupled with the fact that she hangs out with those men in the army all year round, drinking, guessing, and going to the battlefield together, has created her queen-type personality and style that is uncompromising, decisive, resolute, and informal.

And since she was an orphan since she was a child, she has known since she was sensible that she has to work hard and fight for what she wants in order to have a chance to get it.

Even after she was adopted by Shen Rui, her temperament has not changed.

And Shen Rui also admired the character of his adopted daughter very much.

He often said that she has an innate atmosphere and a mind that embraces everything!
Shen Qing felt that this was a compliment from her adoptive father.

However, there are indeed very few people and things that she can care about.

And once she catches people and things in her eyes, she will definitely take good care of them and treasure them carefully.

Although in modern times, the place she was in was also a military camp with more men than women.

But there, she really sees and uses herself as a man.

At that time, many men wanted to pick off her rose with thorns, but perhaps because of the lack of fate, she didn't like any of them, and she declined all of them.

When she was nestling in Long Xiao's arms, Shen Qing suddenly thought of an idiom - fate!
She fell in love with this man immediately!
She wants this man!
She wants to be with this man!The kind of life!
(End of this chapter)

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