Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1327 He is the King of Beasts

Chapter 1327 He is the King of Beasts
These people are really, there is a treasure mountain in the sky but they don't know how to use it!
After some understanding, Shen Qing realized that not only were there one emerald mountain after another around here, but the entire orc plane had countless emerald mountains and gemstone mountains.

Here they really use emeralds as stones and gems as marbles for children to play with.

But now Shen Qing didn't know about this, and she quickly made calculations about these emeralds and jewels in her heart.

Didn't the system say before that if you want to earn plane coins, you must either do tasks, or sell things on the plane and trade them in the system store.

So can this jadeite jewelry that is everywhere be a trade item?
Just as Shen Qing was thinking this way, she heard the female voice from the system answer, "Yes. If the host has something he is not sure about, he can scan, confirm and evaluate it through the system."

Shen Qing was overjoyed, and quickly said to the system, "Thank you, I understand."

The female voice of the system replied seriously, "The host is welcome, serving the host is the duty of this system!"

At this time, Patriarch Guan smiled and said to her, "Goddess, look, the prophet has led everyone there to welcome the goddess..."

Shen Qing raised his eyes and saw a group of people standing at the entrance of the city wall made of emeralds.

Standing at the forefront of the crowd was an old man with wrinkled face and radiant eyes.

When he saw Shen Qing, his eyes lit up.

When he saw Long Xiao who clearly protected Shen Qing, his expression became even more excited.

Seeing that Shen Qing and Long Xiao had already walked in front of them, the Prophet raised his hands to Shen Qing and Long Xiao in the most respected ceremony of their tribe, and then knelt down devoutly, chanting loudly, "Welcome the Goddess! Welcome the Dragon King!"

Those human races standing behind the tribal prophet also knelt down.

They also followed the Prophet and shouted loudly, "Welcome the Goddess! Welcome the Dragon King!"

Shen Qing hurriedly said to them, "You don't need to be too polite, everyone please come up! Please come up!"

Patriarch Guan and the people who went to meet Shen Qing and Long Xiao together, when they heard the prophet address Long Xiao, their eyes were filled with horror.

Only then did they know that Long Xiao turned out to be the legendary Dragon King! ! !

Dragon King!
That is the king of all beasts that all beasts worship!
I really didn't expect it!Unexpectedly!
Patriarch Guan narrowed his eyes with a smile.

The goddess calculated by the prophet is actually accompanied by the Dragon King, she is really too powerful!
The stronger the goddess is, the better the development of their human tribe will be, right?
They won't be bullied by those orcs again, right?

Patriarch Guan thought so.

So did the Prophet.

And the people of those human races think so even more.

Each of them looked at Shen Qing and Long Xiao with fiery eyes, as if seeing their savior, with eyes full of admiration and awe.

When they looked at Shen Qing and Long Xiao enthusiastically, Shen Qing also looked at them, the people of the human tribe.

Seeing that all of them were pale and thin, most of the men were bare-chested, with only a short animal skin skirt around them.

Women and children were also naked from the upper body, and only wore a short animal skin skirt underneath.

But they seem to be used to it.

Seeing Shen Qing in a tight stretch black suit, they were rather curious and surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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