Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1328 Seven Great Beast Races

Chapter 1328 Five Great Beast Races
Under the enthusiastic guidance of the tribe's prophet and Patriarch Guan, Shen Qing, Long Xiao and the others came to the meeting hall of the human tribe.

The so-called meeting hall is actually a relatively spacious big room made of rough emerald stones and covered with thatch.

When Shen Qing walked all the way, she also saw that most of the houses here were thatched cottages.

The ones like the meeting hall are good enough, and the worst ones are the ones with thatched roofs and no walls at all.

This primitive tribe is really poor!

If all the human tribes here are living in this state, then the task issued to her by the system is really a long way to go. I don't know when it will be completed?

However, now that all the tasks have been accepted, no matter how difficult it is, she still has to work hard to complete it.

Shen Qing and Long Xiao sat at the top, Prophet and Patriarch Guan sat on their left and bottom respectively, and other main figures of the tribe sat behind Prophet and Patriarch Guan.

Outside the meeting hall, people from the entire tribe stood.

The Prophet and Patriarch Guan looked at Shen Qing with fiery eyes, as if they were waiting for Shen Qing's order.

Shen Qing was a little embarrassed by them, coughed lightly, and then began to ask, "How did the prophet determine that I am a goddess?"

The prophet smiled slightly, pointed to heaven and said, "God has a will, I can feel it!"

When Shen Qing heard his explanation, she only let out a soft "oh", but didn't think much about it.

There are many miraculous things in this world. Even in modern times, there are psychics and fortune tellers. It is not surprising that there are priests and prophets in this primitive society.

She asked again, "I don't know what people in the tribe live on now?"

The prophet looked at Patriarch Guan and motioned for him to answer.

Patriarch Guan hurriedly replied, "We all form teams to hunt wild beasts in the forest, but those wild beasts are too powerful, and our casualties are heavy, so we can only go there when we have to. Normally, we just pick some Come eat wild fruits and vegetables."

Shen Qing asked again, "Since the beasts here are so powerful, how do you deal with the beast tide?"

Patriarch Guan returned, "In the past, some people in the clan had awakened their martial skills, which could help them resist and hunt wild animals, but now, there are fewer and fewer people in the clan, and even fewer people have awakened. If this continues, our tribe may be wiped out... "

At the end, Patriarch Guan sighed.

Others also looked sad and worried.

The Prophet suddenly laughed, "You don't need to worry anymore, God has sent a goddess to save us now, and our life will definitely get better and better in the future, Goddess, don't you think so?"

Shen Qing smiled and nodded, "Yes! I will look for opportunities to help you, and everyone's life will definitely get better and better in the future."

If I can't complete the task, I won't get rewards, and I may be punished by the system. Even if I die, she still has to find a way to help them!

Shen Qing asked them again, "What other tribes are around here? Do they often come to bully you?"

Patriarch Guan replied bitterly, "There are bears, wolves, leopards, tigers, and foxes. These five big beasts are the most numerous beasts. They often come to bully us and rob us. It is the crazy plunder of these five big beast clans that made our life more and more difficult. In addition, there are also some small beast clans, and these small beast clans have not come to snatch our things..."

(End of this chapter)

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