Chapter 1367 Goddess of the orcs!

Shen Qing sent someone to send a letter to the patriarchs of the five great beast clans, informing them that she would set up a market for transactions among various clans.

The orcs of the five great orcs and other orcs can pick big fruits, water melons, elixir, or other valuable fruits and elixir to trade with her.

They can also hunt wild animals, or pick rough emeralds and jewels, and come to the market she established to trade and exchange things with her.

After receiving the notice, the patriarchs of the five great beast clans couldn't believe it.

People from the Bear tribe are also talking about it.

"Just these broken stones scattered all over the mountains and fields can be exchanged for the fetish given by the goddess?"

"The goddess can't lie, can she?"

"Nonsense! Of course I won't lie! According to reports from the spies, the human tribes have already implemented this policy first. Their tribesmen have all gone to mines and quarries, or hunted wild animals. Even the weaker ones have gone to the mountains. Picking wild fruits and herbs, the life of their human race is getting better and better."

"Really? Then let's try it too!"

"That's right! Just try it and you'll know if it's true or not!"

"I don't think the goddess will lie to us! She is the goddess sent by heaven to save us!"

"Damn! What saved us? She obviously saved the human tribe, okay?"

"The trading market that the goddess is going to build now, isn't it of great benefit to us?"

"That's right! With this trading market, we can exchange these things that are everywhere with Goddess in the future, and then our future days will definitely be better!"

"Stop talking, I have to hunt the beast quickly."

"I'll go too! Brother Xiong, wait for me!"

This kind of dispute scene also happened in the other four major beast tribes. Although everyone was dubious, in the end, everyone chose to believe in Shen Qing, and started to work quickly one by one.

Rough jadeite, which was worthless in the past, and gemstones of various colors for children to play with as marbles, are now sought-after items that everyone is vying for.

The trading market newly established by Shen Qing is full of people every day.

It has to be said that the working ability of those orcs is much higher than that of humans.

Especially hunting spirit beasts and mining stones that require strength and force, that is, one orc can top three or five people.

After the orcs saw the results on the first day, the orcs went crazy.

For them, those stones that can be picked up anywhere can be exchanged for other food, exquisite clothes, and various utensils that are convenient for life from the goddess.

What they like the most is the weapon provided by Shen Qing.

The extremely sharp weapons made it easier for them to hunt wild animals.

Although a lot of rough emeralds or other materials are needed to exchange for a weapon, those orcs still flock to them.

Shen Qing looked at the bustling market every day, and saw that her plane coins were growing crazily, she couldn't help secretly laughing.

In the past, only the human race gave her work in exchange for the reward she gave. Now that there are more orcs from the five major orc races, the results and speed of this work have been geometrically multiplied.

And with the increase of plane coins, Shen Qing's status in the minds of the orcs of the five great orc clans also increased rapidly.

Many male orcs regard Shen Qing as their goddess.

The highest goal of their several orc men is to become the man of the goddess!
(End of this chapter)

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