Chapter 1368 The Beast Tide Strikes
Long Xiao also ate a lot of sour vinegar for this, for every orc who dared to covet Shen Qing, he directly beat them until they couldn't get out of bed.

But even so, there were still many brave and unwilling orcs who secretly expressed their love to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing also said to them with a serious face that she will only have Long Xiao as her husband in this life, and will not consider other people. Please find another love and stop targeting her!

Because of these orcs disrupting the situation, Shen Qing had to think about how to appease her man every night.

Long Xiao also took this opportunity to love her hard, love her, love her again...

The beautiful and harmonious world of two continues to go on sweetly...

After Shen Qing earned the plane coins, he began to invest in the construction of the human tribe.

First, together with Long Xiao and the system, she made an architectural plan for the transformation of the human tribe, and then bought fifteen intelligent robots in the technological plane to help the human tribe build a tribe.

The change of the human tribe is proceeding in an orderly manner...

What made Shen Qing happy was that in the lottery for her promotion to level six, she actually won a hovering car that she had always dreamed of!

And in the lottery draw for the seventh level, the teleportation ability was also drawn.

When Shen Qing drew these, she was so excited that she hugged Long Xiao and kissed him fiercely.

Long Xiao was also happy for her, enjoying the beauty's initiative to kiss, and he was also happy in his heart.

Three months later.

When the entire human tribe was built, the gorgeous and perfect human tribe shocked the entire orc continent.

The human tribe held a grand celebration, and invited the orc patriarchs of various tribes to participate, not only showing them the new human tribe, but also showing the heroic demeanor of the warriors of the human tribe.

After these months of hard training, the strength of all the people in the human race has increased countless times.

Even little Bubu, under Shen Qing's guidance, can now fight against three orcs by himself.

And those small tribes with scattered personnel, many of them fell into the arms of the human tribe and became one of them.

The human tribe is also constantly growing...

Winter is coming, the most difficult winter, because of Shen Qing's existence, their life is no longer cold, let alone sleepy and hungry.

When everyone was full of hope and expectation for a new life, the beast tide that made both the human race and the orc race fearful and fearful once again attacked them aggressively.

Looking at the densely packed wild beasts outside the city wall, Shen Qing and Patriarch Guan felt lucky.

Fortunately, they had prepared early in the morning. When building the human tribe, they first built a tall city wall so that these beasts could no longer enter the city and wreak havoc.

Shen Qing looked at the densely packed beasts, and felt as if he saw a lot of banknotes flying towards him.

She led a group of clan warriors and began to kill these beasts with arrows and arrows.

Under the city wall, layers of animal carcasses were quickly piled up.

When Shen Qing saw that the beast carcasses were piled up very high, she ordered everyone to stop attacking, and under Long Xiao's protection, she teleported over there and put all the beast carcasses into the space.

Originally, according to Long Xiao's intention, he only needed to summon a few Heavenly Thunder Techniques to kill a large number of beasts.

But his sky thunder technique is too powerful, those beasts are often scorched by the sky thunder, or even burnt to ashes, so how can she sell them?

This orc plane is rich in aura, and the beast meat with spiritual power already has a stable source of customers.

(End of this chapter)

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