Chapter 139 Strong Counterattack 3
This woman is so ruthless, it's really scary!Scared to death for nothing!
And Xiao Chifeng, who was engrossed in the online contest with Ghost Hand Seven, suddenly felt that the other party disappeared in an instant, and was feeling strange. After finding that all the posts disappeared in an instant, Xiao Chifeng suddenly looked at Shen Qingcong beside him.

Shen Qingcong met his gaze and winked at him playfully.

Xiao Chifeng felt relieved, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his beautiful lips, "You did it?"

Shen Qingcong corrected his words, "I'm not that capable, I asked someone else to do it!"

Xiao Chifeng couldn't help being curious, "Which expert has such great ability? Let's recruit him?"

Shen Qingcong laughed shyly, "He was originally my man!"

Xiao Chifeng narrowed his eyes dangerously, "A man? A woman?"

Shen Qingcong giggled and deliberately induced him, "It's a man!"

Xiao Chifeng stared, "Shen Qingcong, your skin is itchy!"

Shen Qingcong blinked innocently, "I mean it, he's a man... a system elf!"

When Xiao Chifeng heard that she was a system elf, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then pinched her nose helplessly, "You! You are so naughty! Play tricks on me, see me anxious, see me jealous, you are very happy Yes or no?"

Shen Qingcong stretched out her hands to hug his neck, looked at him with a smile, and asked softly, "Then are you willing?"

Xiao Chifeng sucked her lips forcefully, looked at her helplessly and fondly and said, "I am willing! I am willing!"

Only then did Shen Qingcong kiss him contentedly, "Good performance!"

Xiao Chifeng's computer skills are also considered to be top-notch in the world. On the international ranking list in Hacker Kingdom, Heidi ranks first, Ghost Hand Seven ranks second, and Xiao Chifeng's pseudonym "Gail Wind" ranks third.

He also didn't expect that the other party would be able to use ghost hands to deal with them.

It is conceivable that this opponent hiding in the dark must not be underestimated.

Xiao Chifeng first thought of the Jiang family, but then immediately denied it.

The Jiang family is now a bereaved dog. Even if Jiang Ruofeng escapes, he will definitely not be so capable. When he is fleeing, he still has time to collect information and counterattack them.

Behind this, there must be a huge black hand hidden!

When Xiao Chifeng thought of this, he immediately became vigilant.

Shen Qingcong knew that Bai Yan was following the clue of Ghost Hand Seven, so she was not in a hurry, and just quietly waited for the result of Bai Yan's investigation.

At this time, their car had already arrived at the gate of the Presidential Palace. After going through strict inspections, they entered smoothly.

After getting out of the car, Xiao Chifeng graciously held Shen Qingcong's hand and walked towards the president's office.

Wherever they pass along the way, countless people are greeted with surprise, scrutiny and suspicion.

Their eyes fell on Shen Qingcong's exquisite and beautiful face, each of them was amazed, and they all thought secretly in their hearts, no wonder Prince Xiao would take care of this woman, she is indeed beautiful and beautiful, and she is stunning .

Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong didn't care what others thought at all, they went their own way and let others guess hard.

Wu Dawei and Wu Xiaowei, the twin guards, stood up straight as before, guarding the door of the President's Office.

As soon as they saw Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong coming, they saluted them as usual.

Xiao Chifeng nodded towards them, and led Shen Qingcong inside.

(End of this chapter)

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