Chapter 140 Strong Counterattack 4
Inside the President's Office.

Xiao Dingtian was sitting on a single sofa with a cool and serious face, and was discussing with several principals of the President's Office how to deal with this "shocking scandal" and how to reduce the Impact countermeasures.

When they heard the door knock, they turned their heads to see Xiao Chifeng coming.

Except for Xiao Dingtian, everyone else also stood up, and greeted Xiao Chifeng with a smile and nod eagerly, "Young Master Xiao, hello!"

"Xiao Shao, you are here!"

"Young Master Xiao, please sit down!"

While greeting Xiao Chifeng, they looked at Shen Qingcong, who was held by Xiao Chifeng without any trace, secretly thinking, so this is the heroine in the "scandal"!Sure enough, the temperament is fresh, beautiful and refined, full of immortality.

However, judging by her outstanding temperament, she doesn't look like a vain gold digger!

Xiao Chifeng also nodded to everyone, led Shen Qingcong to Xiao Dingtian, and introduced to Xiao Dingtian and the president's cronies present, "This is the fiancée I have identified—Miss Shen Qingcong."

He turned his head to introduce someone to Shen Qingcong, and introduced to Xiao Dingtian with a hint of teasing, "Congcong, this is my father—the current president, Mr. Xiao Dingtian."

Facing Xiao Dingtian, who was flamboyant and majestic, Shen Qingcong still smiled lightly and faced it calmly.

After Xiao Chifeng finished introducing her, she bowed slightly to Xiao Dingtian at the right time, and said with a smile, "Mr. President, hello!"

Xiao Dingtian looked her up and down, but there was no trace of enthusiasm on his serious face, and he didn't respond to her, he just coldly pointed to the vacant seat vacated by the other people, "Sit down and talk!"

Regarding Xiao Dingtian's indifferent attitude, Shen Qingcong was already prepared in her heart, but she didn't take it seriously.

Xiao Chifeng, on the other hand, was very upset to see his father treat his beloved woman so coldly.

If this matter hadn't been implicated in the presidential palace and the potential crisis needed to be resolved in time, if her father treated her like this, he would have taken Shen Qingcong away without letting her suffer this grievance.

He was afraid that Shen Qingcong would feel sad because of this, so he shook her hand secretly, looked at her with concern, and gave her silent encouragement and comfort.

Shen Qingcong also gave him a look of "I'm fine", and smiled at him.

Seeing that she really didn't care, Xiao Chifeng was relieved.

But his care and love for Shen Qingcong has been revealed in every word and deed, let Xiao Dingtian and these people present see his intentions for Shen Qingcong, and let them clearly know an important message, Xiao Chifeng is really very happy Love this woman!

Xiao Dingtian asked Xiao Chifeng directly, "How do you plan to explain it to the public?"

Xiao Chifeng said indifferently, "Just as I told my father before, hold a press conference directly, disclose Qing Cong's identity, admit that she is our default fiancée, and directly break the rumor that she was adopted by me."

Xiao Ding stared at him fixedly, and asked with a serious face, "Have you thought about the consequences of disclosing her identity?"

Xiao Chifeng smiled coldly, "Naturally I have thought about it! No matter what the consequences are, I will bear them all!"

Xiao Dingtian looked at Shen Qingcong again, and asked, "What about you? You also agree to do this?"

Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng looked at each other before replying with certainty, "I agree!"

Xiao Dingtian snorted heavily, "What if I disagree?"

 PS: The fourth update is over, thank you for your votes, thank you Eila, Sanlixiang Supermarket, and Mumu for your rewards, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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