Chapter 141 Secret Conversation 1
Xiao Chifeng glanced at his father, and said in a very sonorous tone, "This is the most direct, fastest, and most powerful way to break the opponent's rumors!"

Xiao Dingtian pressed the sore brows irritably, and then said directly to Shen Qingcong, "Xiao Shen, come with me, I have something to tell you!"

When Xiao Chifeng saw that Xiao Dingtian was going to talk to Shen Qingcong alone, he murmured in his heart that it was not good. He immediately stood up, trying to stop his father from hurting her, "Dad..."

Shen Qingcong stretched out her hand to hold him gently, looked at him quietly with her clear eyes and said, "Ah Chi, trust me!"

Xiao Chifeng frowned slightly, and looked at her distressedly, "Are you sure?"

Shen Qingcong nodded affirmatively, and said again, "Trust me!"

Xiao Dingtian looked at his son's hopeless appearance, and snorted coldly, "Up to now, you and her are grasshoppers on the same line. If there is anything wrong with her, you can't escape it. You still need it." Are you worried that I will hurt her?"

Xiao Chifeng ignored his father, and only said to Shen Qingcong, "I'm right outside the door, if you need anything, just call and I'll go in right away."

Xiao Dingtian was so pissed off by Xiao Chifeng's distrustful attitude, he really wanted to step forward and squeeze this little bastard to death, so as not to keep getting angry at him.

This old saying is indeed true, if you really have a daughter-in-law, you forget your parents, hum!

Seeing Shen Qingcong obediently following Xiao Dingtian into the small reception room next to him, Xiao Chifeng's heart was also up and down, and it was difficult to calm down.

He understands his parents deeply, and their husband and wife sit in different positions, so when considering things, they often only consider the overall situation and interests, and seldom consider personal emotional factors.

But to them, Shallot is just an outsider.

They don't even bother to safeguard the safety and interests of Qingcong. It is absolutely impossible for them to be nice to Qingcong for no reason.

And at this critical moment where intelligence is needed for public relations, Xiao Chifeng can guarantee [-]% that his father avoids him and calls Qingcong in for a conversation alone.

It has to be said that Xiao Chifeng guessed very accurately.

At this time, Xiao Dingtian in the small reception room said to Shen Qingcong in a deep voice, "Xiao Shen, now that your affairs have broken out, in order to deal with the noisy crowd outside, I have to agree with Ah Chi's opinion and temporarily let the You and Chi appear as a fiancé couple. But..."

He deliberately paused, examining Shen Qingcong's expression.

When he found that Shen Qingcong's face still had such a faint expression, even Xiao Dingtian, who was so calm and rational that he was almost ruthless, couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

This girl is so calm!
Her behavior is really unusual!
Generally, a girl her age would be trembling in front of him, for fear that she would say the wrong thing, show the wrong emotion, and arouse his dislike.

But what about her?

She just sat there quietly, listening to you quietly, as if no matter what you said, she had a way to deal with it, as if she could respond to all changes with the same.

And her calm eyes are like a mirror. As long as she looks at you quietly like this, you will have a feeling that all your dark thoughts have been exposed in front of her, making you feel ashamed There was nothing to hide, and he didn't dare to look at her again.

(End of this chapter)

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