Chapter 142 Secret Conversation 2
Xiao Dingtian withdrew his trembling mind, and said again, "But you and A Chi's identities are too far apart after all. To tell you the truth, A Chi's mother and I have already chosen a partner for A Chi. But you are just An accident in our plan..."

"We didn't expect that you would be pregnant with Ah Chi's flesh and blood, but you don't have to worry, we will recognize this child after it is born, it's just you, please forgive us for not accepting it!"

When Xiao Dingtian said this, he paused again.

He wanted to hear what Shen Qingcong would say.

But in the end, Shen Qingcong still didn't say a word, just looked at him quietly, as if waiting for him to continue talking, so that Xiao Dingtian had nothing to do with her.

Xiao Dingtian was a little embarrassed by her, covered her mouth and coughed lightly, this girl didn't know if she had unfathomable thoughts, or if she was just so simple and ignorant.

But in the face of Shen Qingcong's refusal to accept the move, he had no choice but to speak out what he thought was the best solution.

"We don't want to see this accident, so let's treat it as an act. Please cooperate with Ah Chi to play a good show where Cinderella and the prince are unmarried couples. After this incident, we will make up for you of!"

Shen Qingcong suddenly pulled her lips and chuckled, "Okay!"

Xiao Dingtian, who originally planned for Shen Qingcong to cry, make trouble, and even disagree hysterically, was surprised when he heard Shen Qingcong say "yes".

He was a little unsure, and asked again, "Did you really agree?"

Shen Qingcong nodded, "Yes, I agree! Mr. President, you are really worrying too much! I don't even think about marrying Ah Chi now, why do I disagree with your handling method? As for the belly The child in the house, he was a complete accident, you don't have to worry about it, even if he is born, I will not let him enter the gate of Xiao's house, unless..."

When Xiao Dingtian heard Shen Qingcong's words, he felt as if he was slapped in the face by her, and his face sank instantly, as ugly as ink, black and heavy.

It turned out that she didn't care about what they thought was very important.

And the tense performance of their husband and wife, in front of her, is as ridiculous as a clown.

This embarrassing fact made Xiao Dingtian feel ashamed and angry.

But he was not good at attacking on the spot, so he could only hold his breath, and asked softly, "Unless what?"

Shen Qingcong looked at him, smiled lightly, and said word by word, " come to ask me to marry you in person!"

Xiao Dingtian looked at her like he was looking at a madman, "This is impossible!"

Yes!How can this be?

How could they ask their son to marry a woman who is nothing?
She is so whimsical!
Shen Qingcong doesn't care whether he believes it or not, anyway, she has already said what she should say, and she has expressed what she should express. As for what the old man thinks, that is his business, not hers. thing.

Shen Qingcong saw that Xiao Dingtian hadn't recovered for a long time, so she couldn't help reminding him kindly, "Mr. President, do you have anything else to say?"

Only then did Xiao Dingtian come back to his senses, and looked at her complicatedly, as if he wanted to find some traces of lying on her face.

When he thought about it, Shen Qingcong's idea was really unbelievable, it was completely opposite to what ordinary women would do.

She successfully conceived a child, shouldn't she hold her hostage and force them to submit?

(End of this chapter)

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