Chapter 143 Secret Conversation 3
But she put on an attitude of complete disdain to marry into the Xiao family.

Is she trying to play the trick of playing hard to get and retreating?

But looking at Shen Qingcong's calm and indifferent eyes, Xiao Dingtian knew that what this girl said might be true!
She really never thought about marrying Ah Chi!
She really never thought about marrying into their Xiao family's door!

According to what she said, that is to say, even if she wants to marry Ah Chi one day, the husband and wife have to beg to come to the door in person, so that she can marry, not because she wants to marry A Chi. They are the Xiao family.

Hehehe, why should she?
Why is she so confident?

Why does she think that she will be able to rise?

Why did she think that she would impress the Xiao family?

Xiao Dingtian thought of this with anger and hatred, and suddenly remembered what his son had said to him a few days ago. At that time, Xiao Chifeng said to him, "Dad, Qingcong said that if she doesn't make a career, she won't I will go back, and I will not marry into the Xiao family as my daughter-in-law!"

At that time, when he heard it, he still sneered, and also questioned those words in his heart, why should she?
The son said that Shen Qingcong has secrets and reliance, but he can't tell them now.

But Xiao Dingtian couldn't imagine what kind of support a little girl with an ordinary background and no backstage background would have, to be able to develop such a strong self-confidence, to be able to believe that she must have the ability, and she would definitely let someone like the Xiao family The top wealthy family wants to ask her to marry her?

Her thoughts are really incredible!
Xiao Dingtian shook his head and smiled wryly, unwilling to think about it any further.

Immediately, he took out a contract that had already been drawn up, and pushed it in front of Shen Qingcong, "Xiao Shen, take a look at this contract, if you really have no other ideas, then sign it, so that you can let me go." We parents are at ease!"

Shen Qingcong took the contract and took a look. The content was aimed at this "shocking scandal". Shen Qingcong was asked to cooperate with Xiao Chifeng to perform a good show of "Cinderella is appointed as Prince Xiao's fiancée". Compensate Shen Qingcong with 500 million yuan.

And after Shen Qingcong took the money, she was not allowed to use this matter as a threat to force Xiao Chifeng to marry her.

After Shen Qingcong finished reading, without further ado, she picked up the signature pen next to her, and signed her name with ease.

Then, she pushed the contract back to Xiao Dingtian, and asked with a smile: "Mr. President, can you rest assured?"

Xiao Dingtian was a little embarrassed by her smile, as if he was bullying this little girl, endured the unspeakable aggrieved heart, nodded, "It's ok, Xiao Shen, thank you for your cooperation."

Shen Qingcong smiled indifferently, "You're welcome, I understand your parents' feelings very well, maybe one day, when my son is faced with this situation, I will do the same, you don't need to have any psychology at all burden."

Xiao Dingtian was choked again by her and couldn't speak.

What psychological burden can he have?
In order to let her act in this scene, he paid a full price of 500 million!
Although the 500 million yuan is not enough to live a rich life, as long as she makes good use of it, it is more than enough to live a well-off life. Isn't she satisfied?snort!
Shen Qingcong didn't care what Xiao Dingtian was thinking, after signing, she got up directly, opened the door and walked out.

Xiao Chifeng, who had been guarding the door all the time, saw her coming out, and immediately asked her nervously, "Longcong, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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