Chapter 146
Shen Daqiang, who had been worried all the time, was also reminded by Shen Fei, and he was stunned when he heard President Xiao's announcement in the first time!

When did his family's green onion become the appointed princess-to-be?

As a father, how could he not know?

Could it be that the words President Xiao said in this press conference were just emergency measures for the royal family to deal with this emergency?
Shen Daqiang's mind was churning endlessly.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't believe the fact that his daughter became the prospective princess.

The Shen family's stepmother Liang Sisi, her precious son Liang Han and daughter Liang Lu were also watching the live news on TV at this time.

Prior to this, the three of them also gloated for a long time regarding the shocking scandal. Liang Han and Liang Lu even posted posts on the Internet to smear Shen Qingcong, wishing to step Shen Qingcong into the mud and let him She will never turn over.

But it only took half a day, how could this event be reversed?
They haven't seen Shen Qingcong being trampled into the mud yet, so why did Shen Qingcong transform into the royal princess-to-be?

This family of three is in a bad mood!

Shen Lu cursed maniacally, "Damn it, it's so unreasonable, why did this bitch become the princess-to-be? This bitch must have played tricks to hook up Prince Xiao! "

Shen Han also had a gloomy face, looking at the exquisite and perfect face on the live TV, his eyes showed a cheap light, "Shen Qingcong, you want to leave us and live a good life alone? Pooh! Let's see how I clean up you!!!"

The stepmother, Liang Sisi, was not as knowledgeable as his two daughters. She thought a little deeper, and her thoughts were directed at the core of her interests.

Shen Qingcong, a bastard, has become the prospective princess, so isn't their family the emperor's relatives?
Then even if their family is a fox pretending to be a tiger, relying on the name of this imperial relative, they can deceive those who don't know and get a lot of benefits and benefits, right?

Thinking of this possibility, Liang Sisi was overjoyed, as if she saw countless banknotes falling from the sky, so much money that she could be buried.

Liang Sisi shared her thoughts with her son and daughter, and immediately won the unanimous approval of both son and daughter.

This superb family of three immediately packed up their things and went out, "Let's go! Let's go find your dad!"

When they rushed to Shen Daqiang's office, they found that Shen Daqiang's office was crowded with colleagues who came to congratulate him. Even the chief of public security and several deputy directors of their city were present, and they all said congratulations flatteringly. The good words spit out from these people's mouths as if they don't want money.

Seeing this scene, Liang Sisi was even more ecstatic.

Everything is exactly as she expected!Their family is about to develop!
Shen Daqiang was embarrassed.

Even the director asked, "Old Shen, when did your daughter become the appointed princess? Good guy, your mouth is really tight, you don't reveal anything!"

How would he answer?

Saying that he is a father is also at a loss, doesn't he know this at all?

Then he, as a father, should not be laughed at to death, saying that your daughter doesn't take you seriously at all, and doesn't even tell you about such a big marriage!
How aggrieved he feels, do these people know?
But when they kindly came to congratulate him, he couldn't be ungrateful, so he could only deal with them with a dry smile, breaking into a cold sweat, and scolded Shen Qingcong countless times in his heart.

 PS: The mental state is not good, and there are two more changes, which will be changed at [-] pm.ok~
(End of this chapter)

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