Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 147 The Stepmother's Calculation

Chapter 147 The Stepmother's Calculation
Liang Sisi was a very scheming woman. She coaxed Shen Daqiang, a man who had been a soldier, into a circle, and married her, a woman with two oil bottles, like a ghost.

In the end, for the sake of her and those two children, Shen Daqiang abandoned his own daughter Shen Qingcong to Xiao Chifeng to take care of him. Except for making a few phone calls at the beginning, he never asked her how her biological daughter was doing well.
If it were an ordinary woman, would she be able to control a man to this extent?
This time, Liang Sisi turned her eyes away when she saw so many people crowded in Shen Daqiang's office and it was so lively.

When she saw that her husband Shen Daqiang had a smile on his face all the time, but that smile revealed a trace of embarrassment and embarrassment, she also began to calculate in her heart.

Of course she knew the reason for Shen Daqiang's embarrassment. I'm afraid Shen Daqiang, like her, didn't even know that the little bitch was appointed as the princess by default. He felt ashamed, right?
She, Liang Sisi, has been married to Shen Daqiang for so many years, she has attended many scenes with Shen Daqiang, her charm still exists, her exquisite face, her long sleeves and good dancing skills have also left a deep impression on many people.

Just like Zhao Dayang, the director of Jiangcheng City Bureau, he was very impressed with her.

When Director Zhao saw Liang Sisi coming, he immediately laughed and teased Shen Daqiang, "Daqiang, look, your wife and children are here to pick you up, do you plan to go out to celebrate with the whole family?"

Liang Sisi immediately smiled obsequiously and said, "Oh, sir, even if we want to go out to celebrate, we can't do without you and everyone here, Daqiang, don't you think so?"

Seeing his wife winking at him, Shen Daqiang quickly responded with a smile, "Yes, yes, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Today is full of people. Let's go to Jiangcheng Hotel to set up a few tables and have a good drink."

Director Zhao and the others agreed in unison.

Shen Daqiang looked at the clock and said with a smile, "It's just time to get off work, Director Zhao and the deputy directors, shall we leave now?"

"Okay, okay, let's go..."

A group of people who usually have a higher status than them enthusiastically surrounded Shen Daqiang, the best family of four, and made them feel the glory and satisfaction they had never had before.

They felt a little overwhelmed, listening to those good words, their whole bodies felt as if they had eaten ginseng soup, and even their toenails seemed to be floating into the sky.

Haicheng, where Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong are located, is a first-tier city.

The Jiangcheng where Shen Daqiang is located is a second-tier city next to Haicheng.

And this Jiangcheng Hotel is the number one five-star hotel in Jiangcheng.

The environment and service standards here are first-class, but the consumption is also amazing.

If Shen Daqiang and Liang Sisi were killed in normal times, they would not be willing to spend so much money for dinner.

But today is different.

They saw the bright future that Shen Qingcong was about to bring to their family. The wealth was bountiful and they were promoted step by step. The days of prosperity and wealth were just around the corner.

Even if you want to treat them to a good meal, what does it matter if you spend tens of thousands?The money paid today will definitely be doubled in the future.

With this in mind, Shen Daqiang and Liang Sisi were very generous and ordered a table full of good wine and dishes to greet Director Zhao and the others.

When the drink was in full swing, Director Zhao took the opportunity to smile and asked, "Daqiang, you are now the President's prospective in-laws. Has the President ever said, when will you go to Beijing to meet?"

(End of this chapter)

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