Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 148 The Reaction of the President's Wife

Chapter 148 The Reaction of the President's Wife

Shen Daqiang was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with an apologetic smile, "It's just right, I'm planning to take a leave of absence from you, Director, our family is going to Beijing tomorrow to meet them."

Shen Daqiang is also very smart. He didn't directly point out that he met President Xiao, but said that he met them. This statement can also be applied to Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng.

But these words were heard in the ears of others, but they naturally applied what he said to President Xiao and the others.

Director Zhao's smile is even more amiable, "No problem, you can rest assured to go to Kyoto, as long as you want to go, just explain to the people below. At that time, when you meet the President, remember to say a few words for us , don’t you think so?”

The others also laughed, "That's right, that's right, Director Zhao is right, Director Shen, don't forget to support us!"

"How can Director Shen be such a person, he will definitely remember us, right, Director Shen?"

Shen Daqiang could only reply with a dry smile, "Of course, even if I forget who, I dare not forget all the leaders here! Come, come, let's have another drink, and wish us all a bright future and every step of the way! Done! "



After the feast of wine, when Shen Daqiang came out, he was so drunk that he couldn't find his way, and he could only walk with the support of Liang Sisi and Liang Han.

After returning home, Liang Sisi settled him down, and asked Liang Han and Liang Lu to quickly pack up their things, and then booked a flight ticket online, planning to fly directly to Beijing tomorrow, and ask Shen Qingcong for a favor.

Not to mention them, let's talk about the reaction of another main character, the president's wife.

Before Xiao Dingtian held the press conference, he was worried that the president's wife would make trouble, so he didn't dare to let her attend the press conference together.

Sure enough, as Xiao Dingtian expected, after seeing the news live broadcast, the president's wife was furious, and immediately called Xiao Dingtian.

Hearing Xiao Dingtian's voice from the other end of the phone, the president's wife didn't ask anything, she yelled angrily at first, "Xiao Dingtian, do you still take my wife seriously? You just don't say anything, To easily decide my son's life-long event? You clearly know that I hate that woman, but you still choose that woman to be Ah Chi's concubine, are you trying to make things difficult for me?"

When the maid next to her saw the ferocious and angry face of the President's wife, she quickly backed out in fright, pressing her beating heart, feeling terrified.

In front of outsiders, the President's wife has always maintained the demeanor and politeness she should have. She has never seen the President's wife so out of control and so terrifying!

It really scared her to death!
When Xiao Dingtian on the other end heard his wife's loud roar, he felt his temples throbbing and his head was about to explode.

She doesn't know what's going on recently, as long as something about Ah Chi doesn't go her way, she'll explode like a firecracker.

Xiao Dingtian explained to her patiently, "Yi Ling, don't get excited, okay? This is our response to the sudden network incident during the day, it's not true!"

When Zheng Yiling heard that Xiao Dingtian was so relieved, his anger subsided a little, and then he asked bitterly, "Then what if that woman uses this incident to cling to Ah Chi in the future?"

 PS: The fourth update is over, thank you for your votes and collections, and thank you Eila and the wise men for your rewards, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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