Chapter 151
Gong's father sat there, sighing.

Gong's mother kept wiping her tears and weeping softly, "Where do you think this child will go? What should I do if something happens in the middle of the night?"

They who had just suffered a blow, now being disturbed by their daughter like this, felt even more painful and uncomfortable, and looked even more haggard, as if they had aged more than ten years.

After receiving the news, Xiao Chuntian, the general manager of Xiao's Hotel, who stayed by their side for fear that something would happen to them, is a member of the Xiao family's offshoot clan who is of the same generation as Xiao Dingtian.

Seeing the sad appearance of the two elders, and seeing Gong's mother crying all the time, he quickly poured them a glass of warm water, and comforted them softly, "Mr. Gong, Mrs. Gong, don't worry, we will definitely find you. Miss Gong, don't worry, if you lose your health in a hurry, it will be our fault, and if Prince Xiao and the others blame it, saying that we didn't take good care of it, we can't afford it!"

Thinking of Xiao Chifeng's repeated warnings, if something happened to the Gong family, he would definitely be dismissed as the general manager, and if one was bad and caused Prince Xiao's displeasure, then he, the general manager, might end up being the general manager.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chuntian also secretly blamed Gong Xin in his heart, why is this child so ignorant?This elder brother has just passed away, and her parents are feeling uncomfortable, and she still wants to mess around, it's really unfilial!

Even if there is something to make a fuss about, at least wait for the parents to wait for a few days before talking about it!Look at what's going on now, even people like them have to suffer.

Xiao Chuntian looked at Gong's father and mother, and asked with a cautious smile, "Mr. Gong, Mrs. Gong, what's the matter with you? If there is any need for help, we can help solve it within our capabilities." !"

Gong's father said with a face of shame, "It's nothing, it's just that the child lost his temper and refused to go home. He's so self-willed, and he also brought you down. Mr. Xiao, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry!"

Xiao Chuntian laughed quickly, "Mr. Gong is too polite, it is our responsibility that you live here, we should take good care of you..."

At this moment, Xiao Chuntian's walkie-talkie rang, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Gong has been found."

Xiao Chuntian felt relieved instantly, "Okay, okay, bring Miss Gong back quickly."

When Gong's father and Gong's mother heard him say that their daughter had been found, they immediately became happy.

Gong's mother clasped her hands, smiled with tears, and muttered, "It's really blessed by the Buddha, it's great! It's good to find it, it's good to find it, it's good to find it..."

Father Gong also looked at Xiao Chuntian gratefully, held his hand, and kept thanking him, "Mr. Xiao, thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, this is what we should do, what we should do."

Xiao Chuntian had dealt with Gong's father and Gong's mother for a few days, and knew that the couple were kind and honest people, and had a good impression of them. He thought it was no wonder that he could raise such a good son as Gong Chen, but it was a pity for Gong. Chen, who went there at such a young age, left an indelible pain to this kind couple.

It's just this daughter who doesn't seem to be very sensible, and doesn't know what they are embarrassing.

If it wasn't a big deal, he would stretch out his hand to help them, which would be regarded as helping Prince Xiao solve this hidden danger and worry.

(End of this chapter)

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