Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 152 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 152 Pity the world's parents heart
After a while, the security guard on duty brought Gong Xin back.

Gong Xin looked at the angry, resentful, sad, and helpless parents, but felt sore in his heart, and tears of grievance flowed out again.

She just wanted to stay and work in the capital, so why didn't her parents agree?Just to stop her?Is it wrong for her to pursue her dream?

Xiao Chuntian looked at the awkward family of three, looked at Gong Xin, and smiled aside, "Is there something difficult for Ms. Gong? As long as you bring it up, maybe we can help!"

When Gong Xin heard what Xiao Chuntian said, his eyes lit up instantly.

She knew that Xiao Chuntian was the general manager of this five-star hotel and a member of the Xiao clan. If she could get in touch with him, would she have a chance to get in touch with Xiao Chifeng in the future?

Thinking of this, Gong Xin didn't care about his parents' expressions, and immediately said to Xiao Chuntian eagerly, "Mr. Xiao, it's like this. As for me, I want to stay here in the capital to develop and find a job, but my parents don't." Agree, I am not familiar with the place here, no one takes care of me, I am afraid that something will happen to me, can you help me?"

Xiao Chuntian looked at her handsome appearance, his eyes flashed, and then he asked her with a smile, "It's not difficult, but I don't know what kind of job Miss Gong wants to find?"

When Gong Xin heard that there was something interesting, he replied excitedly, "I teach kindergarten teachers at home, as long as it is a clerical job."

Xiao Chuntian glanced at Gong's father and Gong's mother who looked disapproving, and then at Gong Xin who looked expectant and excited, and made a decision in his heart.

He said with a smile to Gong's father, Gong's mother, and Gong Xin, "How about this? We just need to recruit an assistant for the office of our Xiao's Hotel. If Miss Gong Xin doesn't mind, come to our Xiao's Hotel Come to work, so I can take care of one or two, what do you think?"

Gong's father and Gong's mother haven't answered yet, Gong Xin has already responded loudly excitedly, "Okay, thank you for taking care of Mr. Xiao, then I will work at Xiao's Hotel, Mr. Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely work hard. Most definitely!"

Xiao Chuntian smiled, and looked at Gong's father and Gong's mother again.

If the two parents did not agree, he would not dare to take this Gong Xin in.

Father Gong frowned, looked at Gong Xin dissatisfied, and asked sharply, "Gong Xin, do you really insist on staying here without considering your parents' feelings or Wen Yi's feelings?"

Gong's mother also looked at her daughter with tears in her eyes, hoping that she would change her mind.

But Gong Xin got Xiao Chuntian's promise, she felt that she had touched the edge of her dream, and she was even more unwilling to give up this opportunity.

She replied in a very affirmative tone, "Dad, Mom, please forgive my daughter's unfilial piety, I decided to stay here, you believe me, one day, I will be like my brother, and you will be proud of me!"

She can!

She will definitely succeed!
Gong's father and Gong's mother saw the desperate determination in their daughter's eyes, and a trace of disappointment flashed in their hearts.

This daughter has been fascinated by this colorful world, and I'm afraid she won't turn back until she hits the south wall.

Gong's father endured the temper that was about to explode, closed his eyes forcefully, finally sighed, with a trace of regret, and said earnestly, "Okay, Gong Xin, since you insist on staying here, Dad hopes that you don't Regret today's choice, and don't blame your parents for not caring about you. The path you choose, even if you are kneeling, you have to persevere! Dad also hopes that you can really live like your brother as you said. You have to be frank and honest, so that we can be proud of you, not ashamed of you! Do you hear me clearly?"

 PS: The fourth update is over, thank you for your votes, thank you Eila, the distance of turning around, and the reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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