Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 157 There are so many treasures in the Immortal Cultivation Plane 3

Chapter 157 There are so many treasures in the Immortal Cultivation Plane 3
Shen Qingcong hurriedly thanked Xiaobenxian, "Fairy, you are too polite! Thank you for your generosity, and thank you for allowing me to buy so many good seeds."

Little Benxian smiled: "You're welcome, if you have any questions during the planting process, please feel free to come to me, I will know everything, and I will say everything."

"Then I will thank the fairy first."

Shen Qingcong had discovered before that for every kind of seed, Xiaobenxian has attached detailed planting instructions, but now Xiaobenxian is still so enthusiastic to tell her again and again, this great customer service attitude makes Shen Qingcong feel warm in his heart Yes, I also gave Xiaobenxian a five-star evaluation with a high score in my heart.

Little Benxian smiled again, "Earthlings, do you need my help?"

Shen Qingcong thought for a while, she still had a lot of things she wanted to buy, so she tried to ask Little Benxian again, "Excuse me, fairy, do you have any panacea for sale in your shop besides seeds, such as Xisui Dan, Juling Dan or something, are there storage bags, storage rings, amulets and other things?"

Seeing Shen Qingcong's question, Xiao Benxian seemed to see a huge order coming to her again.

She grinned happily at the other end, "Yes, I have all of them, but I don't have these items on hand. I have to buy them from other fellow Taoists. Why don't you place an order first, and I'll ship them to you later. May I?"

Shen Qingcong: "Of course."

The rule of Taobao shopping is to place an order first and then ship it!
Seeing that Xiaobenxian quickly added the few things she wanted to the shelves, Shen Qingcong also hurriedly placed an order.

Xisui Pill: One pill costs 10 face coins.

Shen Qingcong directly placed an order for 100 grains, which was 1000 million face coins.

Gathering Pill: A grain of 5 face coins.

Shen Qingcong also ordered 100 pills, which is 500 million here.

Storage bags (storage rings, storage belts, etc., there are many styles to choose from), the prices are as follows:

20 square meters, one is 2 face coins;

50 square meters, one cost 5 face coins;

The largest one is 100 square meters, and one costs 10 face coins.

Shen Qingcong ordered 20 of each storage treasure, and spent a total of 340 million face coins.

Now her group has not been fully organized, but she believes that as her property slowly spreads out, there will definitely be more and more subordinates in the future.

She is also preparing to use these storage treasures as a regular configuration of the backbone.

With these treasures and spiritual fruits, etc., I believe that more and more people will willingly serve her.

A jade talisman cost 20 face coins, and Shen Qingcong also bought 30, which cost 600 million.

There are other miscellaneous things, as long as Xiaobenxian hangs them up, Shen Qingcong will more or less buy them all.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Qingcong spent more than 5000 million plane coins.

However, she didn't feel bad at all when the money was spent.

She believes that the treasures exchanged for these money will definitely bring greater security to her and her valued relatives and friends, and will also attract more talents to her.

Shen Qingcong was very happy.

The little stupid fairy at the other end, counting how many face coins he could earn and how many levels he could upgrade, was so happy that he jumped up directly.

She hurriedly said to Shen Qingcong, "Earthlings, then I'm going out to stock up, see you later."

Shen Qingcong also replied with a smile, "See you later!"

(End of this chapter)

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