Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 158 Thinking of her as a sick cat with no temper?

Chapter 158 Thinking of her as a sick cat with no temper?

Little Benxian was really worried. She was afraid that Shen Qingcong would go back on his word and withdraw the order in a blink of an eye. Then she would cry to death. Where would she find customers with such a large order volume?

Before the transaction is successful, those plane coins, no matter how many there are, are just a tempting number, which may become a bubble at any time.

Those plane coins are hers only if the transaction is successful!

Therefore, she has to strike while the iron is hot, and quickly complete the transaction with this huge order, so that she can be promoted quickly, in exchange for something useful to her, to enhance her own strength.

She doesn't want to be called "trash" anymore!

Shen Qingcong saw that Little Benxian had logged off, and Shen Qing was not there, so she also logged off.

After buying so many seeds from the world of cultivating immortals, she had to plant them quickly.

Shen Qingcong felt fortunate that in this space, no matter what she wanted to do, she could use her mental power (mind) to control it.

The first thing she planted was spiritual rice and spiritual wheat.

Both of these are food that must be consumed every day, and she directly planted ten acres of the same.

As soon as a thought came out, those seeds fell into the pits that appeared one after another like a goddess scattered flowers.

The next thing to plant was all kinds of spiritual fruits, and she also planted ten acres.

Then, all kinds of medicinal materials were planted, and they also planted ten acres.

After the forty acres of land were planted, Shen Qingcong felt that her mental strength was exhausted.

She quickly drank some spiritual spring water and ate some vigorous fruit, and only then did she regain some energy.

Shen Qingcong left ten acres of land, which is to be used to grow various famous teas, fruits, vegetables and fruits native to the earth.

After finishing all this, Shen Qingcong heard A Chi tap on the door of the bathroom outside, calling out to ask, "Song Cong, Cong Cong, are you inside?"

Shen Qingcong hurried out and walked out, raised her voice and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, wait a minute."

She quickly looked in the mirror again, and found nothing wrong with herself, then opened the bathroom door and walked out.

Seeing that she was fine, Xiao Chifeng breathed a sigh of relief, pointed to the hearty breakfast on the coffee table, and smiled at her, "Long Cong, are you hungry? Eat breakfast!"

When he came in after finishing his work just now, his heart skipped a beat when he saw that she was not on the bed. Seeing that the bathroom door was closed, he thought that the green onion might be inside, so he called her a few words, and after hearing her response Only then did the hanging heart let go.

Shen Qingcong saw milk, pastries, ginger porridge, fried vegetables, deep-fried dough sticks and big buns on the table, so she couldn't help smiling, looked at him and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "I've eaten it! Eat it quickly!"

After Shen Qingcong was full, Xiao Chifeng said to her, "Just now I received a call from your father, saying that they are worried about you and want to visit you in Kyoto. The plane should arrive in more than an hour."

Shen Qingcong chuckled lightly, "They will care about me? Hehe, do you believe it? I think it's true that they saw the news and wanted to get some benefits."

Xiao Chifeng saw her downcast face, stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, and comforted her softly, "If you don't want to see them, then we won't."

Shen Qingcong sat up straight, her pretty face was frosty, and her eyes showed sarcasm, "No! I'll just meet them and see if they are as shameless as I imagined?"

At the beginning, after the three of them entered the Shen family's gate, they regarded her as a thorn in their side, a thorn in their flesh, and beat her to death every day, wishing she would disappear immediately.

Even Shen Daqiang gave up on her, but now, seeing the benefits, he sticks to her again.

They really think she is a sick cat with no temper?

(End of this chapter)

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