Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 172 Willingly Sell Her Life to Her

Chapter 172 Willingly Sell Her Life to Her

As for things like amulets and spirit-gathering pills, their aristocratic family's inheritance of refining and alchemy has long been lost, and they will no longer refine these treasures.

Even if people like them from the cultivation family want to obtain these things, they have to find a way to find those professional refining tools or alchemy hidden sects in order to refine some low-level defective products.

Good products like those top-grade ones are very rare, and those hidden sects of self-cultivation rarely have them. Even if they do, they are consumed internally and will never be sold.

But even if it is such a low-level defective product, once it comes out, it can attract countless rich and nobles to loot it, and even if it is bad, it can attract others to rob, kill and seize treasure.

Many rich and nobles, even if they have a lot of money, hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars, but if he doesn't have special channels, if he wants to buy such a treasure, it is impossible for him to have the opportunity.

No matter how rich you are, if there is no chance and coincidence, they will definitely not be able to get in touch with people and things in the circle of the cultivation world, and there is nothing to do with money.

However, Shen Qingcong took out so many treasures that really came from the world of cultivating immortals with a wave of his hand. In the eyes of Yan Ting and the others, it was really an incredible thing.

If someone told them that such a good thing would happen to them one day, they would definitely take it as a joke.

But now?

The facts show that all this is true!
This good thing appeared vividly before their eyes.

Such a good thing happened to them fortunately.

Their eyes were already full of mysterious charm and incomparably powerful little sister-in-law, so suddenly, she led them into the wonderful world they had been longing for, and slowly unfolded the things inside in front of them.

Can they not be excited?Can you be unhappy?

These priceless treasures, my sister-in-law said without blinking that she would give them to them.

How much trust and love does my sister-in-law have for them to be so impartial?
They accepted the little sister-in-law's kindness!

After Yan Ting and Jin Long were stunned, they immediately came to their senses, and rushed forward screaming, "I want it!"

"I want!"

"I also want!"

The seven men huddled together in an instant, and everyone quickly grabbed a share.

After snatching the treasure, they looked at Shen Qingcong with eyes full of gratitude, and tacitly bowed to Shen Qingcong to thank him.

"Sister-in-law, my Yan Ting's life will be yours from now on!"

"Sister-in-law, I will entrust you with my golden dragon's life from now on. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you tell me to go north, I will never go south!"

"Sister-in-law, me too! My life is yours too!"

"Sister-in-law, and me, my life is also entrusted to you!"

"Sister-in-law, and me, and me..."

Shen Qingcong was extremely happy when she received their surrender, and the smile on her face was particularly bright and charming.

Seeing that they were still studying how to recognize the master with blood and how to use it, Shen Qingcong quickly clapped his hands, "You can directly recognize the master by dripping the blood on the storage ring and the amulet jade charm, as for these things How to use it, you can go back and think about it yourself. Let's talk about today's auction first. This is the most important thing, and it is also the first step for us to take off. It must be successful, and there is absolutely no room for loss. Do you hear me clearly? "

 PS: Thank you Eila, Silver Fox, and Niaoyuhuaxiang for your rewards, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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