Chapter 173 The Thrilling Auction 1
"Listen clearly!"

Yan Ting and Jin Long yelled one by one, Shen Qingcong was very satisfied with what he heard, and waved at them, "Okay, let's have breakfast! When you are full, let me work hard !"

All the men answered loudly, "Yes!"

Then, one by one, they carefully put away the treasures given to them by the green onions, laughing and laughing, and rushed to the dining room together.

At the restaurant, Aunt Zeng prepared a rich breakfast for them early in the morning.

Usually, they eat in the cafeteria of the Dragon Club.

But now, Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng live here, and they know that the food here is super good, so they linger here to eat and drink, and refuse to leave no matter what.

Shen Qingcong didn't miss their bite, thinking that Xiao Chifeng was still here, so he went with them, and only asked Aunt Zeng to prepare more food every day, so as not to starve them and have no energy to work.

After breakfast, 08:30.

Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong got on the extended bulletproof luxury car, Yan Ting and Jin Long got on several black Bentleys and Mercedes-Benz respectively, and set off slowly from Qinglong Lake Villa to the headquarters of the Qinglong Club in the downtown area of ​​Qingyafu— — Qinglong Group Building.

Qinglong Group Building.

With a height of 68 floors, it is a landmark building in Qingya Mansion, covering a total area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

In the central area stands the towering skyscraper.

There is a wide square in front of the main entrance, beautiful gardens on the left and right sides and the rear, humanized intimate leisure areas, and tree-lined paths for people to walk.

At this time, there was still half an hour before the jadeite jade jewelry auction started.

In front of the gate of Qinglong Group Building, the spacious parking lot is already full of world-class luxury cars.

In the sky, there are helicopters rising and falling in the exclusive plane area from time to time, sending wave after wave of distinguished guests from all over the world.

The surrounding area of ​​Qinglong Group Building is full of police force.

From the gate on the first floor to the gate of the banquet hall, there is a red carpet passage all the way.

Tall beauties in red dark floral cheongsams, with the most perfect smiles on their faces, led the way for all the distinguished guests who came to the auction.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, there are special staff who are checking the invitations, and then invite the guests to sign and leave their names on the billboard next to it.

Two rows of bodyguards in black with cold faces stood awe-inspiring, which made all the distinguished visitors afraid and did not dare to act recklessly here.

On both sides of the aisle of the red carpet, there were also big reporters from all walks of life specially invited by the Qinglong Club, desperately pressing the cameras in their hands, the shutter made a "click click", the spotlight flashed, and dutifully Recorded every exciting moment.

There are also big reporters beside them, excitedly broadcasting what they saw and heard today to the news on the Internet or on TV.

Saya, the most famous host of the local TV station in Qingyafu, said excitedly at this time, "Today is an exciting and exciting day. Here in the most famous Qinglong Group Building in Qingyafu , an internationally famous feast of emeralds, jewels and jades will be held soon, and the distinguished guests who came to participate in today's feast are..."

"Everyone, please look at this pair of people who just entered the arena. They are Mr. Li Bohong and Mrs. Li, the richest men from four small continents in the Asia Pacific..."

"The next one..."

"Oh, the cake seller turned out to be the legendary rich man who is the most handsome in the world, and the handsomest man in the sky. Come and guess who he is?"

(End of this chapter)

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