Chapter 199 Swollen Your Face

This man used to be like a dog in front of her. She was so obedient. Why did he become so cold and heartless in the blink of an eye?Could it be... He found out what she did?
Afterwards, Bai Zhi immediately denied her own idea.

"Impossible, how could he know what she did? She set up the situation so perfectly, and successfully blamed Shan Sha, how could he know the truth?"

If he didn't know the truth, why did his attitude towards her change so much?Is it really for his wife who is preparing to get married?
A sarcasm flashed in Bai Zhi's eyes.

Did he really think she didn't know if he had a woman?

His every move was reported to her, and he was just lying to her.

When did he change his attitude towards her?
Bai Zhi's mind turned sharply.

Thinking of Yan Ting's enthusiasm for her at today's banquet, nothing unusual.

The change in his attitude should be after he went to the office with Xiao Chifeng and Xiao Chifeng's woman. Could it be that they spoke ill of her?Made him lose confidence in her?
Thinking of this, Bai Zhi's self-confidence rose again.

She raised a smile that she thought was full of charm, got up and walked in front of Yan Ting, stretched out her jade hand, and gently touched Yan Ting's handsome face, when she felt Yan Ting's body tense and stiff instantly, Bai Zhi's eyes flashed A little smug.

Men, that's not all.

Look, she just ticked off like this, and they discarded all those principles and persistence. Yan Ting, who was like an angry lion just now, is now like a loyal dog, obediently letting go. She can do whatever she wants!
Before the pride in Bai Zhi's eyes disappeared, she suddenly felt her arms being tightly held by Yan Ting's hands, and then she felt him dragging her to the door.

Bai Zhi seemed to have thought of something, and immediately screamed in embarrassment and anger, "Yan Ting, what do you want to do? Let me go! You bastard, let me go! Let me go!"

When she was screaming, Yan Ting had already pulled her to the door, pushed her hard, and then, with a "bang", directly closed the door and even locked it behind her.

Bai Zhi was pushed staggeringly by him and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, she still remembered to mobilize the true qi in her body in time, and then used the jack in time, so that she stabilized her figure and did not fall to the ground.

She looked at Yan Ting's room door fiercely, her heart was full of rage, she wished she could burn it down, and burn the man in the room into a pile of ashes.

At this moment, Yan Ting's room door opened again.

Seeing Bai Zhi staring at him angrily, he couldn't help a sneer on his lips, and threw the small bag in his hand on her, "I got the key back, this is your bag Bao, Miss Bai, let's go, don't give it away!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Ting didn't look at Bai Zhi's reaction, and closed the door directly with another bang.

Bai Zhi was so angry that she even forgot the etiquette and demeanor of the eldest lady, kicked the door fiercely, and cursed loudly: "Yan Ting, you bastard, you have gone too far! You have gone too far! Too much! Too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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