Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 200 Angelica Gritting Her Teeth With Hate

Chapter 200 Angelica Gritting Her Teeth With Hate

But no matter how she kicked the door, Yan Ting ignored her.

Until Bai Zhi kicked her foot so painfully, and saw someone next to her shrinking her head and peeking at the movement here, she was even more angry, hated and embarrassed.

In the end, he shook his head in embarrassment, glanced proudly for a week, and was satisfied to see that they shrunk their heads back one by one in fear, and then stepped on their feet resentfully, and walked back to their villa.

Bai Zhi cursed in her heart as she walked.

Yan Ting, you bastard!How dare you do this to me!You wait for me, one day, I will definitely deal with you severely, I will trample you under my feet, I will torture you severely, and then multiply the insult you have done to me today by thousands of times Give it back to you!Just wait for my revenge!Stupid man!
At this moment, she didn't even know that this was the first step of Yan Ting's counterattack.

A bigger blow will come tomorrow and in the future.

Let's talk about Shen Qingcong later.

When she was about to go to bed after taking a shower, she heard Bai Yan's call, "Host, come in and have a look."

Xiao Chifeng was still busy with his work in the study next door at this time, and asked her to sleep first.

In order to prevent Xiao Chifeng from seeing her when he came back, Shen Qingcong asked Bai Yan to activate the monitoring system outside, and then stepped into the system space.

As soon as Shen Qingcong entered the system space, she found that the space had changed drastically.

However, in just over 30 hours, the medicinal herbs that have been planted have joined together, and some spiritual fruits have begun to bloom and bear fruit, while spiritual rice and spiritual wheat are like pieces of golden ocean.

Even the ten acres of spiritual land she had vacated to grow local vegetables and fruits had been planted with spiritual rice and spiritual wheat for Bai Yan.

The current system space is full of greenery, vitality, and abundant spiritual energy. It is like a fairyland outside the world. The crane is even more perfect, not much worse than the fairyland.

As soon as she came in this time, she felt that the pores all over her body seemed to be comfortably opened, and her body also instinctively absorbed the aura in the space. The tired spirit and exhausted physical strength were also nourished by the aura of the space, and they were instantly relieved. repair.

Just when she was surprised and pleasantly surprised, the cute Bai Yan flapped his little wings and flew in front of her, "Host, are you here?"

Looking at the still arrogant Bai Yan, Shen Qingcong couldn't help stretching out his hands to pinch his fair and tender face, and said with a smile, "Yes, I'm here, Bai Yan, what are you calling me in for?" something?"

A suspicious dark red flashed across Bai Yan's face, so he wouldn't tell her that he missed her!

Bai Yan snorted softly, "I just want you to come in and take a look at the space. By the way, let me tell you that the spiritual rice and spiritual wheat have been planted with a total of 1 acres, and the 15000 acres in the back that were originally vacant are my pity. , the Lord planted the spiritual rice for you. When you want to grow other crops, you can plant the spiritual rice after harvesting. Because there is a comparison between one day outside and one year in the spiritual land, now the spiritual rice and the spiritual land The wheat has been harvested for three seasons, 45000 catties per ten mu per season, 45000 catties per three seasons, and 45000 catties of spiritual rice and [-] catties of spiritual wheat per [-] mu of three seasons."

After Bai Yan finished speaking, she raised her big blue eyes and looked at her steadily, as if waiting for her praise, so cute that Shen Qingcong's heart almost melted.

She hugged Bai Yan's small body, leaned forward and kissed him, and praised him with a smile, "Baby Bai Yan is really amazing! Thank you, Baby Bai Yan!"

 PS: Thank you Yijing Fuchen, Chun, Mumu, Jiuban how dare to leave°, し°微①つ, Eila for your rewards, what a da~
(End of this chapter)

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