Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 215 Cooperation with the Prince

Chapter 215 Cooperation with the Prince

Prince Dibo's eyes lit up, and he looked at Shen Qingcong with a fiery look, and asked eagerly, "Sister-in-law, what kind of fruit is this? It's also a spiritual fruit, right?"

Shen Qingcong nodded with a smile, "That's right, this is called Life Fruit, and it's also a spiritual fruit like Dali Fruit. Its function is to provide vitality to the body, and it has miraculous effects on the weak, especially the elderly and children. Eating it regularly can lead to a long and healthy life.”

Prince Dibo asked directly, "Is this spiritual fruit sold?"

Shen Qingcong said with a smile, "It's worth selling, but it's a bit expensive!"

Prince Dibo waved his hand, "No matter how much it costs, I will buy it. Tell me the amount, and I will pay you right away."

Shen Qingcong was overjoyed, a big local tyrant is a big local tyrant, and he really wasn't short of money!Not bad money!Not bad money!
Shen Qingcong looked at this big local tyrant, smiled like a little fox, and said softly, "I have a plan here, not only to let the prince eat these delicious barbecues and spiritual fruits, but also to let the prince Make money, do you want to hear it?"

Prince Dibo's eyes lit up, and he nodded his head fiercely, "Sister-in-law, please tell me!"

Seeing his impatient look, Shen Qingcong almost laughed out loud.

Covering her mouth and coughing lightly, she asked with a smile, "Prince, in your opinion, are these barbecued meats and spiritual fruits sold in your Dibo country?"

Prince Dibo immediately replied, "That's absolutely true! How can other people not like the delicacies and spiritual fruits that this prince can't get enough of?"

When Prince Dibo said this, he suddenly asked with a smirk, "Sister-in-law, don't you want to open a gourmet restaurant like this in Dibo country?"

Shen Qingcong pursed her lips and chuckled, "Yes, you guessed it right! Your country is the richest country in the world, so I thought, even if this thing is expensive, the people there must be able to afford it, right? ?”

Prince Dibo waved his hand, "Of course! If we can't afford it, then people in other places can't afford it."

Shen Qingcong smiled and asked him again, "Then, do you want to do this business with me?"

Prince Dibo's eyes lit up, and he laughed happily, "Oh, good sister-in-law, you made it clear that you want to send me money! I will do it, of course I will do it, if there is anything I can do for you, Sister-in-law, just tell me, I promise to handle it properly for you, and I won't let you worry about it."

Shen Qingcong gave him a thumbs up with a smile, and then explained her plan to Prince Dibo and Xiao Chifeng, "The way I want to cooperate with the prince is that I will provide the raw materials and be responsible for the delivery of raw materials. You There will be a storefront and manpower, and we will share the profit [-]/[-], I will give you [-]%, how about it?"

Prince Dibo grinned, "As long as I can eat these barbecued meats and spiritual fruits every day, even if you don't give me money."

Shen Qingcong was secretly happy, a big local tyrant is a big local tyrant, he probably thought it was just a little money, right?

I'm afraid he didn't even think about it, the price of this kind of barbecue and spirit fruit is very scary.

Shen Qingcong once roughly estimated that if the monthly sales were settled, he would definitely make a lot of money.

At that time, when the money is in hand, see if this rich prince still cares?
Shen Qingcong said with a smile, "Brothers still have to settle accounts. If this store really opens to you, but you need to take care of it, if I don't give you some money, I will feel sorry, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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