Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 216 The Prince's Trouble

Chapter 216 The Prince's Trouble

Prince Dibo grinned, "Then do as sister-in-law tells you!"

Shen Qingcong nodded, "Since you have no objections, I'll get the contract out in a while, and we'll sign the contract directly."

Prince Dibo nodded, "OK."

Shen Qingcong stood up, and said to Xiao Chifeng, "Achi, sit with the prince for a while, and I'll go up and get the contract."

When Xiao Chifeng heard that she was asked to do this little thing by herself again, he couldn't help but frowned, "I'll find you an assistant next time, so that you don't have to do everything yourself."

Shen Qingcong glanced at him with a sneer, "These are small things, I can do them, and moving around more will be good for my body too!"

Xiao Chifeng stared at her helplessly, waved his hand at her, and signaled her to leave quickly, otherwise, he couldn't help nagging her again.

Prince Dibo looked at the intimacy between them, and said enviously, "Little Maniac, the relationship between you and sister-in-law is really good, ouch, those in my family usually make me happy, but It's always noisy and noisy, it annoys me to death."

Xiao Chifeng glanced at him, "Who told you to marry so many wives, I'm not afraid to squeeze you dry!"

Dibo country is one of the few countries in the world where polygamy is allowed.

Prince Dibo's father, King Dibo, married twelve wives in his life and gave birth to more than 50 children in total.

Prince Dibo was born to the empress and the eldest son of the emperor, and his mother's family is also very powerful. Apart from the royal family, Prince Dibo ranks first in the big family in Dibo country.

As the heir to the royal family, Prince Dibo is naturally under one person and above ten thousand in Dibo country, with great power in his hands.

Although he is unrestrained by nature, he has outstanding intelligence. No matter what industry he is in, he is successful and crushes his peers.

The only person who makes people admit to failure is Xiao Chifeng.

And now Prince Dibo, because the old king is getting old, there are some things that the old king has gradually changed hands and asked him to do.

Of course, it is not a good thing that there are many royal heirs, and the internal fighting is very fierce. Fortunately, Prince Dibo managed to control the situation and did not let his brothers and sisters take him down.

Prince Dibo and Xiao Chifeng chatted about the global economy and the general trends of various industries.

These two are leaders of the younger generation in the world. What they say and the decisions they make can often secretly guide the trend of the economic trend.

It's just that the old king and the president are suppressing them now, and they still have to hide their sharpness to let the older generation show their faces.

Until the day when they take the big positions, they can really do their best to let their light shine on the whole country, and even the whole world.

Of course, these two heirs have to face many tests and challenges before ascending to the throne.

About half an hour later, Shen Qingcong sorted out the contract.

She went downstairs and saw that Prince Dibo and Xiao Chifeng were having a lively conversation, so she put the contract on the coffee table and went to find Aunt Zeng to cook.

When I was upstairs just now, Xiao Baiyan informed her: Xiaobenxian and Shen Qing have already delivered all the goods she asked for, and when she was away, Xiao Baiyan took them for her and sent them Paid the bit currency.

And after this period of trading, her space can finally be upgraded again!
This time, from the 9th level to the 10th level, I heard from Xiao Baiyan that every 10th level can draw a big prize, I wonder what the big prize will be?
Shen Qingcong is looking forward to it...

 PS: Ask for a ticket, please put it on the bookshelf for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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