Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 220 As long as you know that I treat you well!

Chapter 220 As long as you know that I treat you well!

Then, she used the mental method of wood-type magic to introduce the aura into her body little by little, and stored it in her dantian.

Gradually, Shen Qingcong entered a state of concentration during cultivation.

One week, two weeks, three weeks...

Shen Qingcong didn't know how long she had been practicing, but she finally felt as if she had reached a bottleneck in her cultivation and could no longer move forward, so she slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she found that her whole body became light and elegant, as if she wanted to fly.

In her dantian, there are also layers of green mist that represent life swirling, which seems to represent that she is beginning to have more and more energy.

Calculated according to the level of the world of cultivating immortals, she should have successfully drawn qi into her body now, and her cultivation base has reached the third level of the qi refining period.

And what surprised Shen Qingcong the most was that her mental power had increased a lot.

No wonder Xiao Baiyan told her before that when she was asked to practice, she would come to practice in the Lingquan Pool.

This spiritual spring is not only blessed with the speed of time flow, but also, the spiritual spring pool has a steady supply of spiritual power for her, so she can get twice the result with half the effort when she cultivates.

Shen Qingcong saw Xiao Baiyan's small figure sitting cross-legged there, obediently guarding the edge of the Lingquan pool, protecting her, and couldn't help feeling sorry for him, "Xiao Yanyan..."

Xiao Baiyan suddenly looked up at her, and asked with surprise, "Host, are you awake?"

Shen Qingcong nodded, thinking of Xiao Chifeng outside the space, wondering if he had looked for her?
She immediately asked Bai Yan, "Xiao Yanyan, how long have I been practicing?"

Xiao Baiyan replied, "You have been cultivating in Lingquan Pool for about seven days. Calculated according to the time outside, it is only half an hour. Don't worry, I have been monitoring the outside. Is your dear come to you!"

Shen Qingcong was teased by Xiao Baiyan, she didn't mind, and thanked him with a smile, "Xiao Yanyan, thank you for protecting me."

Xiao Baiyan's ears turned red after being praised by her, and he snorted arrogantly, "You know that I treat you well!"

Shen Qingcong nodded fiercely with a smile, "I know, of course I know, Xiao Yanyan is the best."

Xiao Baiyan blushed with embarrassment, stood up quickly, and said to her, "I'll go back when I'm fine."

Seeing his fleeting little figure, Shen Qingcong smiled softly again.

Feeling comfortable all over, she flashed back to the bedroom on the second floor of the space courtyard, found a sky blue dress from the closet, and changed into it.

She walked up to the mirror and took a picture, and was immediately amazed by herself in the mirror.

Zhuyanguo really deserves its reputation!

Look at her current skin, not only is it as delicate as white porcelain, but the surface of the skin is also glowing with moisture.

Looking at this flawless skin, a few words came to Shen Qingcong's mind - icy muscles and bones.

Those eyes, which were originally dark and bright, now have more aura.

The bright red lips are as beautiful as the cherry blossoms, tempting to pick.

Seeing that her appearance has become more perfect and more charming, Shen Qingcong's heart is really beautiful.

After admiring enough, she stepped out of the space.

Shen Qingcong unleashed her mental energy to scan the inside and outside of the villa, and found that Xiao Chifeng and Prince Dibo were still chatting in the living room, but she didn't go down, and fell down on the big bed happily, and began to take a formal rest for sleep and lunch.

In the dream, she saw her four baby sons, all of whom looked exactly the same, pink and cute, and cute, and each of them called her "Mommy" and "Mommy" in a childish voice, no matter how fart they were He threw himself towards her, so happy that she couldn't help laughing happily in her sleep...

 PS: Ask for tickets, ask for collection, ask for 5 stars!Thank you Qingyun, Aojie ゝ梦蝶, for giving me the warmth of the sun, and the reward of a lifetime of peace and perishability, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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