Chapter 221 Kiss

After Xiao Chifeng finished chatting with Prince Dibo, he wanted to go back to the bedroom to see her.

When he turned the doorknob, he found her locked the door inside.

Xiao Chifeng is a user of the lightning system, and the country has a special training institution to train these people. As the highest leader of the Longyan Army, Xiao Chifeng is not only a powerful user of the lightning system, but also has a strong mental power. .

He poked his spiritual power into the room and saw that Shen Qingcong was lying on the bed and sleeping peacefully, with a happy and satisfied smile on the corner of his curved lips.

A trace of tenderness and pampering flashed in Xiao Chifeng's eyes.

What did this silly girl dream about?How could she smile so sweetly and happily?
Xiao Chifeng suddenly had an idea to get into her dream and see what the dream that made her happy was.

He gently mobilized his mental strength and unlocked the door.

Shen Qingcong, who was sleeping deeply, woke up in an instant as soon as her mental power sensed someone coming in, and suddenly raised her head to look in the direction Xiao Chifeng was coming from.

When she saw that it was Xiao Chifeng who came, she breathed a sigh of relief, patted her jumping chest, and complained to him angrily, "Ah Chi, it was you, you almost scared me to death!"

Xiao Chifeng stepped forward to hug her, and apologized softly, "I'm sorry! It's my fault! I shouldn't have come up to wake you up!"

Shen Qingcong smiled and glared at him, "Forget it! I don't blame you."

Then she asked, "Have you finished talking with Prince Dibo?"

Xiao Chifeng hummed softly and nodded, "It's over. I don't have anything to do now, I can accompany you, or can you sleep for a while?"

Shen Qingcong shook her head, "I just slept for a while, but now I feel much better, I don't want to sleep anymore."

"Then what do you want to do? I'll accompany you!"

Xiao Chifeng reached out and caressed her face lightly. When he felt the smoother touch of his fingertips, he froze for a moment, took a closer look, and immediately held her face in surprise, and said in amazement, " Congcong, why haven't I seen you for a while, I think you look much better again, look at your skin, it's so dewy, it seems like you can squeeze water out of it..."

While Xiao Chifeng said, he really squeezed it gently with his hands.

This feel is really good!
It was soft, slippery, and very elastic, so he couldn't put it down, so he pinched it a few more times.

Shen Qingcong felt uncomfortably pinched by him, reached out and pulled his hand off, gave him a coquettish look, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't pinch me anymore, if you pinch my face Broken, what do you do?"

"Okay, okay, I won't squeeze anymore, come here, give me a kiss, just give me a kiss..."

Xiao Chifeng stopped pinching her, but hugged her tightly with both hands, kissing her, kissing her, kissing her again...

Shen Qingcong was itchy from his slightly prickly chin, she couldn't help "giggling" and begged him for mercy, "Ah, Chi, stop kissing, okay Chi, please, let me go, let me go..."

Xiao Chifeng teased her for a while, panting slightly himself, and let go of her as she wished.

But his arms still held her tightly in his arms, not willing to let go of her soft body, it was very comfortable to hold her.

He didn't dare to tease her anymore.

Every time he touched her, he felt as if a wild beast was about to come out of his body, and he couldn't suppress it.

If the teasing continues, he will be the one who suffers and suffers in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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