Chapter 248
Qinglong Hotel is the most famous and best-known hotel in Qingya Prefecture with an international five-star standard.

It is located in the central area of ​​Qingyafu and is one of the industries under the Qinglong Club.

The garden-style Qinglong Hotel has a very quiet and beautiful environment, a high degree of security, and a better service attitude. It is the first choice for wealthy and wealthy nobles to stay in the Delta when they travel or do business.

The helicopter that Bai Xiangyang and the man took was parked on the tarmac of Qinglong Hotel.

They got off the helicopter, the man walking gracefully at the forefront.

Bai Xiangyang followed him a little later, and at the end were two old men who seemed to be followers.

They entered the Qinglong Hotel, and one of the attendants hurried to help them confirm the presidential suite they had booked in advance, and lived in directly.

Not long after they moved in, a young man in a waiter's uniform knocked on the door and walked in.

The male waiter walked straight in front of the man, knelt down on one knee respectfully, and bowed his hands to pay respects, "White clothes have seen the young master."

The young master he was talking about was Bai Jing, Bai Zhi's elder brother and the young master of the Bai family.

Bai Jing, who was sitting on the main seat, had a handsome face that could fascinate countless women, but those cold and indifferent eyes were full of disdain and contempt for the worldly people.

He is the young master of the Bai family, and the most talented disciple in the family. He is only 25 years old, and his cultivation has already approached his father, Bai Xingfeng. layer.

No matter in the family or in other places, Bai Jing is the leader of the younger generation in the environment where cultivation has declined and talents withered.

He stood high above the clouds, staring down at the world with a posture of looking down.

Under the love of his family and the pursuit of outsiders, Bai Jing naturally developed a temperament of pride, arrogance and superciliousness.

This time, Bai Xingfeng did not hesitate to send his precious son here because he was worried about Bai Xiangyang.

In the eyes of Patriarch Bai, Bai Xiangyang is just a stupid boy who doesn't understand anything. Can he complete the important task he entrusted?

He made a big question mark in his mind.

In order to ensure that this matter is safe, Bai Xingfeng asked his son Bai Jing to bring two family masters to the delta in person, ready to take down Shen Qingcong and those treasures in one fell swoop.

The father and son also discussed that if the obvious is not good, they will come in the dark. No matter what method they use, they must successfully complete the mission of this trip.

Bai Jing waved at Bai Yi, "Get up! Sit down and talk."

Bai Yi replied, "Yes."

Then he sat on the side sofa and respectfully reported to Bai Jing what he had investigated.

"That Miss Shen Qingcong is the fiancée of Xiao Chifeng, the heir to the royal family of the Huatian Empire. The news has been announced some time ago, and she is now living in the Qinglong villa area."

"According to the information provided by the informant, the top management of the Azure Dragon Society, including the president Yan Ting, are now obeying her orders, and they are the current invisible rulers of the Azure Dragon Society."

"She has been staying in the Qinglong villa area and rarely goes out. Even if she goes out, there is usually a large group of people around her. Therefore, it is not easy for us to get close to her. This is about Shen Qingcong's life in the Delta. Please have a look at the investigation data here, young master."

Bai Jing took the information that Bai Yi handed over, and looked at the beautiful girl in the photo, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

A bold plan suddenly flashed in his mind.

 PS: This is even more late, please continue to ask for tickets, please collect, and please comment with 5 stars!Thank you, dear childish ghost℡, Xiaofei-194493070 for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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