Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 249 I want to take her as my own

Chapter 249 I want to take her as my own

That is - to take this woman as his own!
Bai Jing raised his eyes to look at Bai Xiangyang, and said calmly, "Xiangyang, you call Miss Shen right now and ask her to come out to Qinglong Hotel, and we have dinner together."

For Bai Xiangyang, a peripheral child of the family, Bai Jing didn't take him seriously at all.

He just regarded Bai Xiangyang as a subordinate, and he felt that he should do what he was asked to do.

Bai Xiangyang hesitated for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Qingcong's mobile number.

Shen Qingcong, who was preparing to have lunch with Xiao Chifeng in the Qinglong Villa, heard the cell phone next to her ringing. She took it over and saw that it was Bai Xiangyang's call. She was a little surprised.

Thinking of the past friendship between the two, Shen Qingcong immediately pressed the answer button, "Hi, hello, is this Xiangyang?"

Bai Xiangyang's shy voice rang through the phone, "It's me! Congcong, are you okay now?"

Shen Qingcong thought of the sunny boy in his memory, and couldn't help smiling, "I'm fine! How about you?"

Hearing Shen Qingcong's gentle and sweet voice, Bai Xiangyang suddenly felt a little sour in his eyes and a little choked up in his voice, "I'm fine too..."

Shen Qingcong heard his strangeness, sighed slightly in her heart, and said softly, "Everyone is good, that's good, Xiangyang, you call me, is there something wrong?"

Only then did Bai Xiangyang think about his business, and when he met Bai Jing's dissatisfied gaze, he quickly withdrew his mind and said to Shen Qingcong, "Congcong, it's like this, I came to Delta, and I'm currently staying at Qinglong Hotel in Qingyafu Presidential suite, I want to treat you to dinner tonight, do you have time?"

"Evening? Wait a minute!"

Shen Qingcong looked at Xiao Chifeng next to him, covered the phone's microphone, and asked Xiao Chifeng in a low voice, "A friend wants to invite me to dinner tonight, so you can go with me, okay?"

Xiao Chifeng, who has excellent hearing, felt sore when he heard that the person who called Shen Qingcong was Bai Xiangyang.

He knew that this Bai Xiangyang had always liked green onions, and he was quite persistent.

Although Qing Cong only treats him as a good friend and has no other meaning, but they used to get together to eat and play often.

Thinking of their similar ages and similar interests, Xiao Chifeng felt sour all the time.

"Do you have to go see him?"

Shen Qingcong thought for a while, and replied with a smile, "Actually, I don't have to go to see him, but since he came here from all over the country to find me, I can't even meet him, right? That's too rude!"

Xiao Chifeng snorted coldly, "How do you know that they are here to look for you?"

Shen Qingcong reached out and hooked his neck, looked at him with a smile and asked, "What? I haven't seen this man yet, so you're jealous?"

Xiao Chifeng opened his mouth and bit her lip, and said bitterly, "I don't want you to see him!"

Shen Qingcong looked at him, and teased him with a playful tone, "Oh, my young master, you don't even have the courage to fight for such a little boy? Are you afraid?"

Xiao Chifeng stared at her, "Are you itchy? Do you have to cause trouble for me?"

Shen Qingcong said coquettishly, "Isn't it just for a meal? I let you go with me. Isn't this just a chance for you to declare your sovereignty and let others give up quickly! You are really biting Lu Dongbin—— —I don’t know good people.”

Seeing her charming appearance that seemed coquettish, angry, and angry, Xiao Chifeng's heart swayed, and he couldn't control the heat that surged in his body. He pointed at her cherry lips and kissed her directly...

 PS: Dear friends, remember to vote after watching~
(End of this chapter)

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