Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 255 Take Your Young Master and Get Out!

Chapter 255 Take Your Young Master and Get Out!

Yan Ting and Jin Long naturally stopped immediately when they heard Qing Cong's words.

But the two old men of the Bai family just gave Shen Qingcong a haughty and cold look, and one of the old men even stretched out his hand directly, wanting to push Shen Qingcong away and let him in.

Shen Qingcong's eyes turned cold, and she directly used mental hypnotism to put them in place.

If you want to help Bai Jing bully her man, it depends on her permission!
When Yan Ting and Jin Long saw the two old men trying to break in, they were also worried about her, fearing that they would hurt her.

Just when they all wanted to deal with these two old men, they found that they suddenly stopped and stood there motionless, like puppets. It was unavoidable that they were a little surprised.

They thought of Shen Qingcong's unpredictable ability again, and suddenly their hearts shuddered, and they looked at Shen Qingcong with respect and awe!
This little sister-in-law of theirs is the truly terrifying person who hides the deepest!
If those outsiders think that she is easy to bully because she is young and her face looks so immature, then they are very wrong.

However, although their little sister-in-law's ability is unfathomable, and she is also very cruel and terrifying to the enemy, but she has always dealt with only the enemy.

For them, it is very good. If there is any good thing, sister-in-law will not miss them.

They all like this little sister-in-law who is protective and powerful!
And under the protection of Shen Qingcong deliberately using a spiritual barrier to protect the surroundings, the sound did not spread, and did not cause too much impact. At most, the box was destroyed, and it would be fine to have someone decorate it back later.

The battle in the box didn't last long before it fell silent.

A moment later, the door of the box opened, and Xiao Chifeng said to the two old men of the Bai family with a dark face, "Take your young master and get out! If there is a next time, I will never show mercy!"

Shen Qingcong quickly released the mental hypnosis of the two old men.

The two old men rushed into the house, saw a good house being destroyed, and then saw Bai Jing lying unconscious on the ground, and his natal spirit weapon, the Fire Spirit Sword, also fell dimly Beside him, I couldn't help being terrified.

They knew Bai Jing's ability, they were slightly better than them, and they were defeated by Xiao Chifeng so easily?
Looking at Xiao Chifeng again, he seemed completely fine.

One is unconscious and the other is completely fine. Needless to say, these two old men know the difference between them.

Thinking that they were suddenly controlled by someone just now, the two old men couldn't help the fear in their hearts.

They heard that there are many masters in this delta before, and they sneered when they heard it, thinking it was just a bunch of mortals fighting around, and they said brazenly that if monks like them came here, they would definitely raze the delta to the ground.

Looking at the current reality, the two old men couldn't help but feel a little blushing.

They hurriedly stuffed a healing medicine into Bai Jing's mouth, then hurriedly hugged Bai Jing, put away Bai Jing's natal artifact, and quickly ran upstairs to the presidential suite.

Seeing them leaving, Bai Xiangyang said to Shen Qingcong hastily, "Congcong, I'll go up and see them, and I'll call you later."

Shen Qingcong responded with "Yes", and then warned, "Be careful!"


Seeing Bai Xiangyang leaving in a hurry, Shen Qingcong withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Xiao Chifeng with a stern face, and asked with concern, "Ah Chi, are you not hurt?"

(End of this chapter)

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