Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 256 Whoever Has the Biggest Fist is the Boss!

Chapter 256 Whoever Has the Biggest Fist is the Boss!

Xiao Chifeng snorted coldly, "What can I do?"

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Shen Qingcong didn't want to provoke him, so she smiled and said to him, "Then let's go back!"

Xiao Chifeng didn't speak, just took Shen Qingcong's hand and walked out together.

No matter how unhappy he was in his heart, no matter how cold-faced he was, he still couldn't harden his heart to her, so he could only keep a sulky face and sulk himself.

However, only by being here today can he defend his sovereignty and repel these wishful thinking men. What if he returns to the country?

If relying on Yan Ting and the others, as well as those guards, can they protect his Xiao Congcong and the babies?
When Xiao Chifeng thought of this, he felt more and more worried, and he held her hand more and more tightly.

Shen Qingcong felt that his hands were hurt by Xiao Chifeng's grip, so he quickly released his mental power, giving Xiao Chifeng a spiritual hint, letting him relax and stop being persistent...

After receiving her mental hint, Xiao Chifeng really relaxed his tense body, and also relaxed the hand that was holding her tightly.

Shen Qingcong breathed a sigh of relief.

She is also a little fortunate now that when the system space has risen to the tenth level, the spiritual power of her host has also undergone a qualitative leap and transformation.

Now she can easily control the two old men of the Bai family, and give such obvious spiritual hints to Xiao Chifeng.

They went back to Qinglong Villa by car.

Yan Ting and the others stayed behind to clean up the aftermath.

Back at the villa, Xiao Chifeng asked Shen Qingcong to rest, while he went into the study to arrange future affairs.

Today, the feud between him and Bai Jing is over.

With Bai Jing's narrow-minded temperament, Bai Jing will definitely retaliate against him in the future. He has to prepare in advance to prevent Bai Jing's counterattack.

Bai Jing is nothing, but if he really mobilizes his family members and uses the power of the whole family to deal with him, then it will be a bit troublesome to clean up the entire Bai family.

Xiao Chifeng had to be careful!

He, Xiao Chifeng, is not afraid of trouble, let alone solving trouble, but he doesn't want to affect Chi Yu.

He just wanted to win the battle quickly and accurately in the shortest possible time, and beat all those who tried to covet his women and those who coveted his Xiao family, so that they would have no chance of retaliation possible!

This is the survival principle of this world, the strong prey on the weak, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss!

At this time, the two old men in the presidential suite of Qinglong Hotel also looked at Bai Jing lying unconscious on the bed with sad faces.

These two old men are casual cultivators who were recruited by the ancestors of the Bai family. One is surnamed Cong and surnamed Hua; the other is surnamed Lu and surnamed Mo.

Conghua's temperament is more fiery and arrogant, and he was the one who wanted to push away Shen Qingcong's hand just now and rush in to save people.

Lu Mo's temperament is relatively taciturn, and he usually keeps quiet and only obeys orders.

Conghua walked around the house twice, and decided to make a phone call to report what happened here to the Patriarch, and then ask the Patriarch for instructions to see what they should do next.
Lu Mo also agreed.

Cong Hua then took out the satellite phone and called Patriarch Bai, "Hello, are you the Patriarch?"

Bai Xingfeng replied in a deep voice, "It's me! How's it going? Is it done?"

Cong Hua replied cautiously, "I'm sorry! Patriarch, we have suffered a big loss this time. The young master is still injured and unconscious..."

 PS: Thank you for the invincible universe, I am light and safe, か喜约℡,? 1929464841, Stupid girl's reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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