Chapter 257
Before Cong Hua finished speaking, he heard Bai Xingfeng yelling on the phone, "What did you say? Say it again!!!"

Through the phone, Cong Hua could easily feel Bai Xingfeng's frightening anger.

He cautiously replied again, "Patriarch, I'm sorry, it was our ineffective protection that caused the young master to be injured."

Bai Xingfeng tried his best to suppress the fury in his heart, gritted his teeth and asked, "How did the young master get injured? Was he seriously injured?"

Cong Hua replied, "The young master was injured by Xiao Chifeng, and the injury was not serious. I gave the young master a healing pill just now, and the young master's breath has stabilized, and he may wake up soon."

Bai Xingfeng felt relieved when he heard that his son's injury was not too serious.

He asked again in a deep voice, "What's going on? Tell me carefully from beginning to end."

Cong Hua immediately replied, "Patriarch, this is what happened. As soon as we arrived today, Xiang Yang asked Shen Qingcong out for dinner at night, and Shen Qingcong agreed. When she came, it was her fiancé, Hua He was accompanied by Xiao Chifeng, the heir of the Heavenly Empire."

"At that time, the young master and Xiang Yang entered the private room first and waited for them to come. After Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong arrived, they also entered the private room. The young master wanted to talk to them, so he drove us and Shen Qingcong's guards away. Watch outside."

"Later, I didn't know what was going on inside, but the young master and that Xiao Chifeng got into a fight. For this reason, Xiang Yang was inside, so he should know."

"When the young master was fighting with Xiao Chifeng, Shen Qingcong and Xiang Yang also came out and stopped us from going in to help the young master."

"Patriarch, that Shen Qingcong seems to be able to control the soul, when she told us to stand still, our consciousness was controlled by her, we just stood there, unable to move, and that Xiao Chifeng was far more powerful than us My estimate, Patriarch, what should we do now?"

After listening to Conghua's report, Bai Xingfeng narrowed his eyes and said to Conghua, "Give the phone to Xiangyang and ask him to tell me."


Conghua handed the phone to Bai Xiangyang, and whispered to him, "It's the owner's phone."

Bai Xiangyang nodded to him, took the phone, hesitated for a moment, and then greeted softly, "Patriarch, I'm Xiangyang."

Bai Xingfeng asked him directly, "Xiang Yang, why did Xiao Chifeng fight with the young master?"

"This one……"

Bai Xiangyang hesitated, wondering if he should tell Bai Xingfeng the truth directly.

When Bai Xingfeng heard Bai Xiangyang's hesitant tone, he shouted angrily, "Say it quickly!"

Bai Xiangyang was taken aback by his yelling, and quickly said, "Patriarch, it's like this, the young master seemed to have a crush on Shen Qingcong the first time he saw her, and he wanted to please Shen Qingcong, but Xiao Chifeng He also wanted to protect his fiancée, but in the end, they started fighting after arguing."

Bai Xingfeng asked again, "Who did it first?"

Bai Xiangyang hesitated for a moment before replying, "Xiao Chifeng made the first move."

Bai Xingfeng sneered, "Okay! It's fine if he made the first move! I'll go directly to that President Xiao and ask him to give me an explanation. You will temporarily guard the young master and recuperate there. My news."

Bai Xiangyang answered "Yes", and heard that the phone had already hung up.

He conveyed Bai Xingfeng's meaning to Conghua and Lu Mo.

Cong Hua sighed, "Then let's wait here for news from the Patriarch!"

 PS: This chapter is a new addition~
(End of this chapter)

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