Chapter 258

Huatian Empire, President's Office.

It was 06:30 in the evening, but the lights in the President's Office were still on.

President Xiao Dingtian was sitting at his desk with a serious face, just like the emperor in ancient times, carefully reviewing important documents submitted by various departments one after another.

At this moment, the mobile phone he put aside rang.

President Xiao picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar mobile phone number.

He frowned slightly, thinking that the incoming calls that could enter this mobile phone number should have been filtered, so who could this strange incoming call be?

After thinking about it, he still answered, "Hello, who is there?"

President Xiao did not declare his family background, but wanted to see what the other party had to say.

"Hello! Are you President Xiao Dingtian Xiao?"

A man's steady voice came from the other end of the phone. It seemed that he was not too young, but his voice made President Xiao feel very strange.

Seeing that he was not an acquaintance, President Xiao replied, "I am! Who are you?"

He only heard the other party snort coldly, and reported his family name in a somewhat impolite tone, "I am the Patriarch of the Bai Family in the cultivation world——Bai Xingfeng, I wonder if the President still remembers Bai?"

Cultivation world?Patriarch of the Bai family?Bai Xingfeng?

President Xiao filtered it in his mind, and a gentle and handsome face quickly appeared in his mind.

Bai Xingfeng, he remembered, he had met the head of the Bai family, Bai Xingfeng, at a ranking conference in the cultivation world.

The Bai family seems to be ranked fourth in the cultivation family now, right?
When he first met the Patriarch of the Bai Family, Xiao Dingtian's impression of the Patriarch of the Bai Family was that he was very sophisticated, full of calculations, and could not be close friends.

They have never had any contact with each other. I don't know why the Patriarch of the Bai family suddenly called him today.

President Xiao's mind went back and forth a thousand times, but he smiled politely, "It turns out to be Patriarch Bai. Patriarch Bai has an extraordinary demeanor and is memorable. Of course Xiao remembers it."

Bai Xingfeng smiled darkly, "President Xiao just remembers Bai. That's it, President Xiao, at five or six o'clock today, your son Xiao Chifeng injured my son Bai Jing, and my son is still unconscious , so, I am very angry and want to trouble you, please give me an explanation, okay?"

President Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, hehe, the visitor is not kind!

But he, the president, is not easy to deal with. Dang even smiled and turned back, "Patriarch Bai, as the saying goes, you can't slap a slap. I haven't received any reward from my son for this matter. You can't listen to one side's words, let alone jump to conclusions, right? You have to give me some time to investigate and collect evidence first!"

Bai Xingfeng cursed inwardly, what the hell is an old fox!
He replied coldly, "I still need to investigate and collect evidence, right? Well, Bai will give you a period of time to investigate and collect evidence. I don't know how long it will take for President Xiao to complete the investigation and give Bai a result?"

"Don't worry, it won't be long before I call my son. If it's his fault, then I will definitely give Patriarch Bai an explanation; if it's not his fault, I hope Patriarch Bai will stop holding on to this matter Not letting go, being too persistent is not a good thing! Don't you think so? Patriarch Bai."

President Xiao is not polite anymore.

He is very disgusted with the Patriarch of the Bai family now.

 PS: Ask for a ticket, please put it in the bookshelf for collection~
(End of this chapter)

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