Chapter 292 Grandma Mighty
"Brother Xiao, please sit down quickly!"

Although Shen Rui had a broken arm, he was still straightforward and straightforward in his dealings with others.

Xiao Chifeng was not polite to his old man either. After sitting down, he asked about Uncle Shen's work and life with concern.

Uncle Shen smiled and said, "I'm an old man, and I don't need much. I can support myself now. I really don't need to bother you. If there is a day when I need to trouble you, I will definitely not be polite."

Xiao Chifeng saw that the old man's heart was very indifferent, he had no desires or desires, his only persistence was to insist on living here and wait for Shen Qing to come back.

Seeing his old man's face full of indifference but showing a trace of loneliness and loneliness, Xiao Chifeng really wanted to tell him the news that Shen Qing was still alive but in another world.

But whether Shen Qing can come back is still unknown.

If he told Uncle Shen now that Shen Qing was still alive, he would look forward to her return even more.

If Shen Qing couldn't come back, would Uncle Shen think too much about it?Afraid that he would drag Shen Qing down and create a worse psychological shadow?
After much deliberation, he might as well keep it as it was.

Let Uncle Shen keep a hope in his heart to live, they usually come to visit his old man, send him some things every month, and then secretly ask his unit to raise his salary, send more money, try to let his old man Live better.

As Shen Qing's friend, Uncle Shen refused to go with them, so they could only do this.

Xiao Chifeng left a bunch of gifts and some money for Uncle Shen, took Uncle Shen out to have a meal, drank some wine, and sent Uncle Shen home, and he left.

Back at his little palace in the capital, Xiao Chifeng called Shen Qingcong again, told her that Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao wanted him to marry her quickly, and had a flirtatious conversation with her. Hours of phone porridge, and then reluctantly hung up the phone.

Oh, I really want to marry her home as soon as possible!

Xiao Chifeng on this side was melancholy, thinking about when he would be able to marry a wife.

On the other side of the Xiao family's old house, Grandma Xiao was also lecturing her daughter-in-law.

"Yi Ling, you're not young anymore, you're about to become a grandma, how do you think things are still so superficial?"

Zheng Yiling was confused, wondering what Grandma Xiao meant by that?
"Mom, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Grandma Xiao felt angry when she saw her ignorant expression, "I'm talking about Xiaochi and Qingcong. Qingcong is so good and capable, why do you object to Xiaocong?" Chi marry her?"

After hearing this, Zheng Yiling understood that Grandma Xiao specially called her back because she was going to be a lobbyist for Shen Qingcong.

She immediately became unhappy, and yelled at her mother-in-law, "Mom, you don't know, that Shen Qingcong is a little goblin from an ordinary background. I don't know if she is capable, but she has learned a lot about seducing people. Otherwise, how could Ah Chi's heart be so seduced by her? He only focused on her, and he didn't even listen to what my mother said. "

Grandma Xiao became more and more angry when she heard it, she slapped the table, and shouted angrily, "Shut up! I don't understand it myself, but I blame others. Do you know where the Dali fruit you eat every day comes from?" Do you know who created Jueweifang, which is now famous all over the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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