Chapter 293 See how I clean up you!
Although Zheng Yiling is sometimes confused, he is not stupid.

She turned her head around, digested the information that Grandma Xiao said, immediately widened her eyes, and asked Grandma Xiao with a look of horror, "Mom, are you trying to tell me that these great fruits, this Jueweifang , are all Shen Qingcong's?"

Grandma Xiao nodded with a serious face, "That's right! It's hers!"

Zheng Yiling couldn't believe it, and shook her head violently, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I even sent someone to check her details. She was born as an ordinary commoner, and there are a lot of messy relationships in her family. She She didn't get along well with her stepmother, and became a bad girl who did all kinds of bad things at a young age. Because of this, her father, Shen Daqiang, repayed Ah Chi with kindness and specially sent her to him to discipline her. How could it be possible to create a business as big as Jueweifang?"

Grandma Xiao sneered, "Even if you don't believe it, facts are facts!"

Zheng Yiling looked at Grandma Xiao's solemn and serious face, feeling her mind was in a mess, not knowing what to think and what to say now.

Could it be that Shen Qingcong is really a hidden expert?

No!She doesn't believe it!She doesn't believe it!She doesn't believe it!

Seeing that Zheng Yiling was still stubborn and stupid, Grandma Xiao became angry again, "Your father-in-law and I, as well as Dingtian, have agreed on the matter of Xiaochi and Qingcong. The minority obeys the majority. Even if you object, it's useless, this matter is settled like this!"

Zheng Yiling was dissatisfied and yelled dissatisfiedly, "Mom, I'm Ah Chi's real mother, why can't you take my opinion into consideration?"

Grandma Xiao sneered and said, "What do you call me in front of me? I think you are getting more and more unruly, and the more you live, the more you go back. Hehe, our family just wants to marry Qingcong, and Qingcong may not be willing to marry you." Marry your son!"

Zheng Yiling was stared at by Grandma Xiao's sharp eyes. She was a little guilty at first, but when she heard Grandma Xiao's words behind her, she was not convinced again, "What? She, Shen Qingcong, is still unwilling to marry Ah Chi? Are you kidding? She What kind of onion is it? How dare you show off in front of us?"

Grandma Xiao really can't do anything about this stupid daughter-in-law, "You are the reason why Qingcong doesn't want to marry? Let me tell you, if Xiaochi can't marry Qingcong, let me see how I will deal with you!"

Zheng Yiling asked with an aggrieved face, "Mom, who is your relative? You have never seen that Shen Qingcong, how do you know she is a good person? How do you know that she is worthy of Ah Chi? What about you?" If you know, she can be the eldest daughter-in-law of our Xiao family?"

Granny Xiao yelled, "Just because she is the successor of the sect of cultivating immortals, because she knows the magic of the immortal family, because she can brew spirit wine that makes people healthy and young, because she can create a foundation like Jueweifang... ..."

Grandma Xiao stared at Zheng Yiling coldly, and asked coldly, "Do you still want me to count? Zheng Yiling, even if you are now, you can't compare with Qingcong! Why are you so proud? Without us The Xiao family is your facade, you are nothing!"

Zheng Yiling was scolded by Grandma Xiao to tears, full of grievances, and cried accusingly, "Mom, how can you say that about me? All these years, I have been working hard in my work and life, for the sake of the Xiao family, for the sake of Dingtian, for A Chi, I have been working very hard, no matter what I do, I will consider them first, everything I do is for them, okay?"

 PS: Thank you for refusing to be ambiguous, Eila, Yi Shi Qing An す Shao Hua Yi Fa, Childish Ghost ℡, Wan E, Jumping Insect, 350847**, Mei Xue Zi Meng, Xiao Fei-194493070, Dacheng Xiaoai for your rewards, okay? Da~
(End of this chapter)

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