Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 303 Don't Be Too Indulgent

Chapter 303 Don't Be Too Indulgent

Of course Shen Qingcong knew that if he wanted the horse to run, he had to feed the horse.

However, there are some things that cannot be indulged too much.

Otherwise, once this simple little Bai Yan is used by others, it is very likely to cause a catastrophe!
She and Xiao Baiyan are a tightly bound community, if he causes any trouble, then the one who will bear the blame in the end will still be her as the host!

Shen Qingcong looked at him steadfastly, and asked seriously, "Xiao Yanyan, can you guarantee that you can distinguish between public and private, and not follow private interests?"

"When, of course."

After Xiao Baiyan finished answering, she lowered her head with some guilt.

He didn't dare to tell Shen Qingcong, but in fact, he sent a lot of spiritual spring water to Little Benxian in private.

However, Xiaobenxian also gave him gifts in return!She is not taken for nothing!
As soon as Shen Qingcong saw his guilty look, she knew that he hadn't told her the truth.

But she is afraid of his awkward and arrogant personality, the more you push him, the more he will oppose you, which will be counterproductive.

Shen Qingcong could only be persuasive and persuasive to him, explaining to him the truths she thought just now, and let him know that he and her host are a community, one prospers and the other loses.

Although Xiao Baiyan has never experienced human affairs, he is also extremely smart.

After Shen Qingcong's explanation, he also understood the importance of his and Shen Qingcong's common prosperity, which is unmatched by anyone.

Once something happened to Shen Qingcong, then his little Baiyan would not know where he would go, and he might not even find a host, and he would sleep for tens of thousands of years, or even longer.

He didn't want to live like that again.

Xiao Baiyan figured it out, and nodded to Shen Qingcong, "Host, I understand what you said, I will not give things to others indiscriminately in the future. I gave some things to Xiaobenxian before, But Xiaobenxian is also very good, she doesn't take my things for nothing, she also gave me some gifts, look at these things, she gave them to me... Oh, no, this is for us Both..."

Shen Qingcong glanced at him, and opened the square box that Xiao Baiyan pushed over.

This square box is a bit like the box for moon cakes, it is the same size, and it is also divided into four small grids.

Inside the first grid is a bottle of soul nourishing pills, with a total of fifty pills.

Xiao Baiyan said to Shen Qingcong with a sullen expression, "Xiao Xianxian said, this is for me to eat as jelly beans, hehe..."

Shen Qingqing rolled his eyes at him, sneered and said with a slight smile, "Little Benxian will be so generous to you and give you so many things, it's not because you took my good things and gave them to her, so she returned the gift! Hmph , tell me the truth, what good thing did you give her?"

Seeing Shen Qingcong's ferocious appearance, Xiao Baiyan trembled in fright, and replied with a guilty conscience, "I, I just gave her a little bit of spiritual spring water, really just a little bit..."

Anyway, the spiritual spring water is inexhaustible, the host can't find out how much spiritual spring water he gave to the little stupid fairy, hehehe...

Seeing the flash of complacency in Xiao Baiyan's eyes, Shen Qingcong also understood in his heart that he probably didn't know how much he had. Otherwise, Xiao Benxian is not a fool, so why would he give him such a small amount? What a precious gift?
The first grid is Soul Cultivation Pill, which is for Xiao Baiyan to eat.

In the second grid, Shen Qingcong's eyes widened when she saw it, and she exclaimed...

(End of this chapter)

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