Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 304 Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger

Chapter 304 Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger
"Water-avoiding bead! Xiao Yanyan, is this a water-avoiding bead?"

Shen Qingcong picked up the watery blue bead in the box, eyes full of surprise and excitement.

Xiao Baiyan nodded, "Yes, this is the water-proof bead you have always wanted. Little Benxian said that she found it with great difficulty, but I gave her a precious gift, and she gave us a precious gift." The transaction has been cancelled, and the host does not need to pay for it, and it will be directly given to you as the host.”

Shen Qingcong was overjoyed, hugged Xiao Baiyan and kissed fiercely, "Thank you, Xiao Yanyan, you will also thank Xiaobenxian for me later, thank you for her generosity and righteousness."

Xiao Baiyan said awkwardly, "Host, I didn't tell Little Benxian that I am a system elf. She always thought that she was communicating with you, the host!"

ah? ! ! !

Shen Qingcong froze for a moment, then asked him with a puzzled expression, "Then why didn't you tell her?"

Xiao Baiyan raised her chin, said a little arrogantly and sadly, "I don't want her to know that I'm just a system elf."

Seeing his handsome face pretending to be strong, Shen Qingcong was dumbfounded for an instant, and then felt deep pity...

She opened her hand, hugged his little body gently, comforted him and said, "Xiao Yanyan, you are great, let's work hard together, one day, you will be able to cultivate a human body, by then At that time, you can do whatever you want!"

Xiao Baiyan hugged her back and nodded vigorously.

For the first time, he felt that the host's embrace was so warm, which made him a little reluctant to leave.

Shen Qingcong's heart is also full of pity for Xiao Baiyan. The human form he has now is just the soul body of the system elf, which can only move within the space, but cannot go out to the outside world.

When she embraces him, she will also feel the real touch, but it is only the touch of the virtual state, which is different from the real person.

If Xiao Baiyan really fell in love with Xiao Benxian, it is very likely that he can only have a spiritual love with Xiao Benxian, but he may never see her face.

If Xiao Baiyan has been living in the state of soul body, then he will never have the possibility of passing on to the next generation with other women.

Only when he cultivates a physical body can his life be considered complete and he can have a truly complete life.

She has become one with Xiao Baiyan, and she has already treated Xiao Baiyan as her own brother.

Shen Qingcong secretly decided in her heart that she must work hard to raise her level. One day, when her cultivation reached the Nascent Soul Realm, she would be able to reshape the physical body for others.

Shen Qingcong hugged Xiao Baiyan to comfort him, in order to divert his attention, Shen Qingcong pulled him again, and continued to look at the gift in the third grid.

In the third compartment, there is a bottle of high-grade Zhuyan Pill, which contains twenty pills.

Xiao Baiyan sent Zhuyan Dan in front of her with some awkwardness, "This is also what Xiao Xianxian said to give to you. I heard that this Zhuyan Pill can keep you young for ten years if you take one pill."

"Really? It's great! This Zhuyan Pill is a priceless treasure outside. If I take it out, those women will definitely go crazy!"

After Shen Qingcong finished speaking with a smile, she didn't hesitate to put the Zhuyan Pill away, "Xiao Yanyan, please thank Xiaoxianxian for me."

Xiao Baiyan couldn't see how happy she was now, curled his lips, and hummed to her, "Who scolded me just now for sending things indiscriminately? Look, which one of the treasures I exchanged for you is not Good stuff? Huh!"

(End of this chapter)

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