Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 314 Congcong, you still have me!

Chapter 314 Congcong, you still have me!
This matter really exceeded his expectations.

At that time, he only had people hypnotized Shen Daqiang, and asked him to divorce Liang Sisi, as long as they broke away from the relationship between husband and wife, but they didn't let them kill each other to such a tragic point.

Xiao Chifeng sneered, no one can stop these people if they want to commit suicide.

Xiao Chifeng immediately said to Mr. Hong, "Mr. Hong, thank you very much. I will immediately take Qing Cong back by helicopter, and I will also arrange for someone to go over and take care of things. I will ask you to take care of me for the time being. Thank you. old!"

Seeing Xiao Chifeng speak so politely, Mr. Hong was a little flattered, "Don't dare, dare not, I'm all neighbors and folks who can help, I'm bound to do it, the prince doesn't need to say thank you!"

Xiao Chifeng replied, "That's it, Mr. Hong, see you later!"

Elder Hong also replied, "Okay, see you later!"

After putting down the phone, Xiao Chifeng looked at Shen Qingcong, only to realize that she had opened her eyes and was looking at him in shock, "My scumbag... died? Is he dead like this?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at her worriedly, and nodded heavily.

Whether Shen Daqiang died or not, Xiao Chifeng didn't care at all.

Although Shen Daqiang had saved his life before, he had always reciprocated with all his heart. After knowing that Shen Daqiang treated Shen Qingcong badly, he had an opinion on Shen Daqiang, and felt that the person who saved him back then had changed.

As for the person who caused the pain of Qing Cong, no matter who it is, he will not let it go easily.

However, he originally wanted to punish Shen Daqiang and let him leave Liang Sisi's family of three. Then, if Shen Daqiang gets better, he and Qing Cong will be filial to him again.

But he didn't expect that the development of the matter would be out of his control, and it would be so serious.

But the matter has come to this point, and it is his destiny that Shen Daqiang deserves it. To put it a bit harshly, who made him blind to marry such a wife?And such rebellious stepson and stepdaughter?

This is karma, where there is a cause, there must be an effect!

Shen Qingcong was dumbfounded after seeing Xiao Chifeng nodding.

She just felt like her brain exploded, and then, what came to her mind was not how bad Shen Daqiang was, but those warm scenes when Shen Daqiang and her mother were together before she was ten years old. .

She told herself that her father also loved her and treated her well, but it changed later...

She also blamed him and hated him, but when she didn't know what to do with him, he passed away and left?

Shen Qingcong didn't even know what it was like in her heart right now?
Xiao Chifeng looked at Shen Qingcong's shocked appearance, and secretly hated Shen Daqiang in his heart, why did this person die so badly?
Originally, today should be a very happy day, but he chose to die on the night when he proposed to Qing Cong?After that, the anniversary of his marriage proposal also became Shen Daqiang's memorial day at the same time, what a bad luck!
Xiao Chifeng gritted his teeth resentfully...

No matter what, the person Xiao Chifeng cares about the most is Green Onion.

Seeing her hurt, sad, angry, and painful appearance at this time, Xiao Chifeng stepped forward and hugged her, gently stroked her back, and comforted her and said in a soft voice, " Congcong, you still have me! You still have me! In the near future, we will have four babies, and our family will be together happily. You must mourn and take care of yourself, do you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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