Chapter 315 I will accompany you!
Shen Qingcong raised her eyes blankly, looked at Xiao Chifeng who was full of pity and worry, nodded with red eyes, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you, go and help me prepare the helicopter, we'll go back right away!"

Seeing that her expression had regained her sanity and sobriety, Xiao Chifeng immediately responded, "Okay, I'll arrange it right away!"

He let go of Shen Qingcong, arranged for a helicopter in front of Shen Qingcong, and immediately called Sima Lin, his secretary in the office of the Presidential Palace, and asked Sima Lin to call Ma Chuanyang, the mayor of Jiangcheng City, and go immediately Handled and arranged the case and funeral of his prospective father-in-law Shen Daqiang.

Finally, Xiao Chifeng called Yan Ting, and after explaining his and Shen Qingcong's itinerary to him, he began to help Shen Qingcong pack his luggage.

Yan Ting was still drinking Xiao Chifeng's marriage proposal celebration wine with his brothers. Today, the brothers had been busy all day for Xiao Chifeng's marriage proposal. Xiao Chifeng's proposal was successful, and they were also very happy, so they got together to drink and celebrate.

Now receiving Xiao Chifeng's call, Yan Ting also cursed secretly in his heart: "Fuck! It's too unfortunate that Shen Daqiang died. Tonight's such a beautiful and romantic proposal will be discounted."

But things have come to this point, everyone is dead, only regrets remain, but this fact cannot be changed.

Yan Ting put down his wine glass and told his brothers that he had to leave first, so he ran over to them immediately.

When he saw Shen Qingcong with red eyes, he persuaded her with some worry, "Sister-in-law, you have to take care of your health! Be sure to mourn, mourn, mourn..."

Shen Qingcong nodded to him, and replied with a choked voice, "I understand! I understand!"

Liang Sisi was right in saying that no matter how bad Shen Daqiang was, he was still her father.

How dare they kill him?Then you have to bear the corresponding consequences!
Thinking about it back then, in order to protect their family of three, her father didn't even want her biological daughter, and left it to others to manage. If Shen Daqiang was still alive, Shen Qingcong really wanted to ask him, did you Is everything worth it?Do you regret it now?

Unfortunately, he died and could no longer answer her question.

Is it worth it?Does he regret it later?Only the dead Shen Daqiang knew.

The helicopter was ready soon, Xiao Chifeng directly hugged Shen Qingcong, said goodbye to Yan Ting, boarded the helicopter, and flew towards Jiangcheng overnight.

In Jiangcheng City, when Mayor Ma Chuanyang received a call from Sima Lin, the special secretary of the Prince's Office in the Presidential Office, his expression immediately became serious, and he answered yes repeatedly. After hanging up the phone, he immediately called Zhao Dayang, Director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau Let him deal with Shen Daqiang's case right away.

Zhao Dayang had just received a report from the West Street Police Station, and was thinking about how to call Mayor Ma to report the matter. Unexpectedly, Mayor Ma's instruction call came so soon.

Thinking of Shen Daqiang's identity, Zhao Dayang understood that the higher-ups must have known about this and had let Jiangcheng City's leadership know about it.

This Shen Daqiang is really unlucky. This daughter has just become the prospective princess for a few days, and he lost his life. It's really unlucky!

Thinking back a few days ago, he drank with Shen Daqiang and asked him to remind him a lot. Unexpectedly, this person disappeared in a blink of an eye. The world is really impermanent and fate is unpredictable!
After Zhao Dayang was finished with emotion, he quickly called to gather manpower and rushed to the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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