Chapter 316 Absolutely No Mistakes!

When Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng rushed back to Jiangcheng City by helicopter, Mayor Ma Chuanyang and City Director Zhao Dayang led a group of people to meet them at the city hall.

Seeing Xiao Chifeng's helicopter descending slowly, the hearts of Ma Chuanyang, Zhao Dayang and the others were also tensed into a ball.

Something happened to Shen Daqiang. If Xiao Chifeng wanted to get angry and hold him accountable, none of them could afford it.

The top priority is to quickly investigate the case and find out how Shen Daqiang died.You have to give them an explanation quickly.

During the few hours when Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong rushed back, they had already interrogated Liang Han and Liang Lu.

Both brothers and sisters insisted that Shen Daqiang had gone mad and wanted to kill them with a knife, so the three of them fought back in self-defense.

But when asked who smashed Shen Daqiang's head and caused Shen Daqiang's immediate death, the brothers and sisters' opinions were seriously inconsistent.

What Liang Han said was: His mother smashed it!
What Liang Lu said was: His brother accidentally hit it!

The confessions of the two brothers and sisters are inconsistent, which proves that one of them must be lying, and it is even possible that both of them are lying!That's not the case at all!

In a case with such obvious doubts, it shouldn't be difficult to make a breakthrough and get to the bottom of the trial. As long as they are given a little time, they can find out the truth.

But if they want to satisfy the Crown Prince Xiao Chifeng and the prospective Crown Princess Shen Qingcong, then they have to think of a way.

Now the leadership of the entire Jiangcheng city is trembling, and everyone is full of energy, not daring to be negligent.

Zhao Dayang, the chief of the Public Security Bureau, is under especially great pressure.

Now he has an ominous premonition that if this matter is not handled properly, the black gauze hat on his head that he has worked so hard to put on for many years may be lost.

Not for others, even for his own future, he has to use his life to find this murderer!
Another client, Liang Sisi, was in a coma and did not wake up.

She is the key person in this case, absolutely nothing can be lost!

Seeing Xiao Chifeng help Shen Qingcong get off the helicopter, Mayor Ma and Director Zhao hurried up to greet them, "Prince and Princess, welcome to Jiangcheng. I am Mayor Ma Chuanyang of Jiangcheng City, and these two are Deputy Mayor Lin Dong, Deputy Mayor Xia Yu (female), this is the police chief Zhao Dayang who is in charge of this case."

The few people introduced by Ma Chuanyang rushed forward one by one to shake hands with Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong, to greet and say hello.

Ma Chuanyang asked Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong again, "Prince and Concubine, you must be tired after coming all the way. Shall we go back to the hotel to have a rest before talking about things?"

Considering Shen Qingcong's body, Xiao Chifeng originally wanted to agree.

But Shen Qingcong asked Ma Chuanyang directly, "Let's not rest yet, you take us to see my father's body."

Xiao Chifeng held her back, "Congcong, your current not suitable to see you, or you go back to the hotel to rest, and I will go with them to have a look?"

Shen Qingcong shook her head, "I'm not afraid, I wear an amulet, and I'm not afraid of the invasion of ghosts and demons."

Seeing that she insisted on seeing Shen Daqiang for the last time, Xiao Chifeng had no choice but to agree.

He waved to Ma Chuanyang, "Let's go, lead the way!"

The reason why Shen Qingcong insisted on going, apart from wanting to see Shen Daqiang for the last time, was that she wanted to search Shen Daqiang's memory with her mental power, to see if the memory of his dying was still there?
(End of this chapter)

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