Chapter 317 The Last Side

Ma Chuanyang smiled flatteringly and said to them, "Prince and Concubine, Mr. Shen Daqiang's remains have been transferred to the forensic office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, shall we go there first?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded slightly, "Okay! Let's go!"

"Prince, Princess, this way please!"

Ma Chuanyang respectfully led Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong to a black extended five-star car specially used to receive distinguished guests, and opened the door for them graciously, "Prince, please! Princess, please!"

Both Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong instinctively released their mental power and carefully checked the safety of the vehicle.

After confirming the safety, Xiao Chifeng protected Shen Qingcong and got into the car.

When Shen Daqiang's body was transferred to the forensic office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, within a few hours, forensic doctor Lin Huainan also conducted a detailed examination of the body.

Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong arrived at the Municipal Public Security Bureau under strict escort with police cars protecting them.

Under the leadership of Zhao Dayang, the director of the Public Security Bureau, they came to the forensic room.

The forensic room at night is cold and gloomy, giving people a particularly eerie feeling.

Ordinary people don't like to come to such a gloomy place.

The human body also pays attention to the balance of yin and yang. If a person with a weak body stays in such a place for a long time, he will be easily invaded by yin qi, which will lead to an imbalance of yin and yang, and he will get sick.

However, the majority of the public security bureau is male, each of them is powerful and positive, so they are not afraid to come to this place, but psychologically this is a sad experience. Therefore, except for professional forensic doctors and related staff, other people are Avoid as much as you can.

As soon as Shen Qingcong entered this place, she could clearly feel that there was a strong negative energy here, which should be the rotten, dead, resentful and negative energy emanating from those dead people.

Fortunately, she wears a body-protecting spiritual jade, which blocks all those bad breaths from her body, and prevents these negative breaths from invading her body.

When they arrived at the forensic room, Lin Huainan, the forensic doctor in charge of the examination, was already there, waiting for their arrival.

Under Mayor Ma's instruction, forensic doctor Lin Huainan pulled Shen Daqiang's body out from the rows of freezer drawers.

Shen Qingcong stepped forward, looking at Shen Daqiang who had been put into the freezer in the forensic room and was frozen blue, his eyes suddenly felt astringent, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Xiao Chifeng was still sad when he saw her, he couldn't help but took her into his arms, and comforted her softly, "Songcong, don't cry! My condolences are changing! Take care of yourself, don't forget, you are not alone now... ..."

Xiao Chifeng said the last sentence in Shen Qingcong's ear.

He was also afraid that the people next to him would spread the news if they heard his words, and if it spread widely, it would make people upset.

Shen Qingcong was shocked by his reminder.

She calmed down quickly, and let Xiao Chifeng hold the handkerchief to help her wipe away her tears.

Then, Shen Qingcong exerted her mental power, entered Shen Daqiang's body, and began to check his injuries.

I saw that there were many blue marks and scratches on Shen Daqiang's body, and the wound caused was a severe blow to the head, which caused his brain to rupture, and he died of serious injuries.

From this wound, we can also see how ruthless the striker was. When the man smashed it, he wanted to kill him directly!
Shen Qingcong tried to enter Shen Daqiang's brain and find out his dying memories, but found that because of his severe brain injury, all his memories had disappeared, leaving nothing left.

 PS: Seventh watch, please vote, please put it on the bookshelf, please ask for five-star praise!Thank you Xiaofei-194493070, cute girl's gem heart pearl tears, し°微①つ, shallow summer light memory°, be happy yourself, open sea and sky, evil WanE, Haohao, love is also style, after the rain?Sunshine☆brilliant, who will hurt the heart, ㄨ鲂╭ァabandon↘, rewards of pistachios, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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