Chapter 318 Liang Sisi Escaped

Although no relevant memory could be found in Shen Daqiang's brain, Shen Qingcong was not discouraged. Isn't there still three members of Liang Sisi's family?
As long as the three of them are found and she uses mental hypnotism to hypnotize them, the truth will be revealed.

Shen Qingcong turned her head and asked Zhao Dayang directly, "Zhao Ju, where are Liang Sisi, Liang Han, and Liang Lu now?"

Zhao Dayang immediately replied, "Liang Sisi is still in the hospital, she also suffered a head injury, and she is still unconscious. Liang Han and Liang Lu were locked in the interrogation room by us, because their confessions were inconsistent, so , We still have people interrogating them, hoping they will confess earlier. In addition, we also asked the hospital to find a way as soon as possible to make Liang Sisi wake up earlier."

Thinking of Liang Sisi's cunning, Shen Qingcong narrowed her eyes slightly, "Is that Liang Sisi's injury really that serious? Is it possible that she is pretending to be unconscious in order to avoid responsibility?"

Zhao Dayang was taken aback, and then replied, "The doctor said that her injury is not serious, but because it involves the head, and the brain is a sensitive area, the doctor is not sure, but said that there may be such an injury. A coma."

Shen Qingcong said in a deep voice, "Ju Zhao, according to what I have known about Liang Sisi for so many years, she is extremely scheming and cunning like a fox, and it is very likely that she is pretending to be unconscious, and then she looks for an opportunity to escape, you'd better Let people watch her closely..."

Just as Shen Qingcong finished speaking, Zhao Dayang's cell phone rang.

He smiled awkwardly at Shen Qingcong, took out his phone and looked, it was Diao Weiguo, who was on duty at the hospital, calling.

Zhao Dayang's heart trembled, and he thought to himself, could it be that the princess really hit the mark?
He said to Shen Qingcong, "Crown Princess, it's a call from the hospital, sorry! I'll answer it first."

Shen Qingcong nodded.

Zhao Dayang also knew that they all wanted to know what was going on in the hospital, so they didn't hide away to listen to the phone, but in front of everyone, they pressed the answer button, "Hi, hello, I'm Zhao Dayang."

Diao Weiguo, who was on duty at the hospital, immediately said, "Zhao Ju, I am Diao Weiguo, something is wrong! That Liang Sisi, she ran away!"

"What did you say? Liang Sisi ran away?"

When Zhao Dayang heard it, his heart became cold instantly, and he cursed angrily, "What's the matter with you? Are you eating dry food? Two big men still can't stand a woman? Find it for me! Get her back for me immediately Come!!!"

"Yes! Let's go find it right away!"

Diao Weiguo was also in a cold sweat at this time. This matter was related to the case of the prospective princess' father. Now that the suspect has escaped, if she can't be found, then those on duty will be in trouble.

He quickly greeted another colleague, went to the leader of the hospital to explain the situation, first went to the monitoring room to check the monitoring of the hospital, and found that Liang Sisi hadn't left the hospital yet, they immediately called the hospital's security personnel and went to the hospital with them Searched inside and out.

Besides, Liang Sisi, she climbed down from the window when Diao Weiguo and the others were not paying attention. She first hid in the women's toilet of the hospital, quietly waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

When she saw a young and kind-hearted little nurse coming in to use the toilet, she rushed out immediately and stopped her.

The little nurse was startled by her, and looked at her warily, "You, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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