Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 319 She Is Not Shen Daqiang's Biological Daughter

Chapter 319 She Is Not Shen Daqiang's Biological Daughter

Liang Sisi quickly apologized to her with a smile, put on a pitiful look and said, "Little sister, don't worry, I'm not a bad person, that's right, my medical bills are gone, and it's been several days , if I don’t pay the fee, the hospital will kick me out early tomorrow morning. Look at me, I’m so worried that I can’t sleep at night. I have to call my family in the country to send the money quickly. That, I don't have a phone, can you lend me a cell phone and call me? Just one, just one..."

The little nurse saw that Liang Sisi was wearing a hospital gown, her head was wrapped with a bandage, and her face was pale and bloodless. Coupled with Liang Sisi's acting skills comparable to a movie queen, she acted so pitifully. The little nurse relented.

The little nurse also thought, this is a hospital, and she stared at Liang Sisi closely, presumably Liang Sisi would not lie to her cell phone, so she didn't have much doubt, took out her cell phone and handed it to Liang Sisi. Sisi.

Her mind is kind and pure, and she never imagined that there is a kind of person in this world with such vicious and cruel minds. They can completely disregard the life and death of others for their own benefit.

Liang Sisi reached out to take the phone, and with a grateful expression, she bowed to the little nurse and thanked her, "Little sister, thank you, thank you, your kindness is so kind, you will definitely be rewarded, Most definitely!"

A moment ago, she smiled and bowed to the little nurse to thank her.

The next moment, her expression changed, she raised her fist towards the little nurse, and slammed it on the back of the little nurse's neck several times.

The little nurse let out a cry of pain, her eyes were full of disbelief, and immediately after that, she closed her eyes and fell limply to the ground.

Liang Sisi hurriedly dragged her into the toilet, quickly peeled off the nurse's uniform from the little nurse, searched the little nurse, and found that the little nurse had no money on her, and kicked her hard. The poor little nurse scolded, "Idiot!"

Liang Sisi quickly changed into the little nurse's uniform, took off the bandage, put on the nurse's cap, and after disguised herself, she quickly left the hospital.

After she got out of the hospital, Diao Weiguo and the others realized she was missing.

And when they checked the surveillance, they passed Liang Sisi in disguise, and they didn't notice anything unusual for a while.

Later, when they checked again, they found this woman suspicious, and when they searched, they found the little nurse who was knocked out in the toilet.

After the doctor revived the little nurse, it was only after the little nurse identified her that Liang Sisi had snatched her cell phone and clothes and fled.

After Liang Sisi got out of the hospital, she didn't dare to go home, so she took a taxi and went directly to her sister's house.

She thought about retreating before and put some money with her sister. This time, she took the money back and ran away.

Liang Sisi is now panicking like a bereaved dog, she doesn't think about anything, she just thinks, take one step, one step, anyway, she can't let Shen Qingcong catch her, otherwise, she will only die.

She doesn't want to die, she still wants to live.

As long as there is life, there is hope.

Only by surviving can she have a chance to stand up.

Liang Sisi thought of Shen Daqiang again, if she hadn't overheard Shen Daqiang talking in his sleep, she would not have doubted Shen Qingcong's life experience.

Later, she got Shen Daqiang drunk on purpose, and got the secret of Shen Qingcong's life experience out of his mouth.

Only then did she realize that Shen Qingcong was not Shen Daqiang's biological daughter at all.

 PS: Grab the tickets on Monday, update the second chapter in advance, ask for your support, group~
(End of this chapter)

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