Chapter 327 Let Me Warm You

From the other end of the phone came Liang Sisi's heavy panting sound of "wheeze, wheeze", she seemed to be very angry.

The next moment, Shen Qingcong heard a "pop" from the microphone.

Then, there was a "beep" sound that the phone had been disconnected.

Shen Qingcong shrugged at Xiao Chifeng who had been paying attention to her, and sighed softly, "The opponent is too mentally retarded, it's really not fun!"

Xiao Chifeng didn't ignore it. When Shen Qingcong said this, the dazed, sad and sad flashed quickly in his eyes.

Xiao Chifeng held her hand tightly, wanting to pass on his warmth to her.

Sensing his affection, Shen Qingcong raised her eyes and smiled at him.

Xiao Chifeng reached out and rubbed her head again, and said with pity and affection, "Don't be naughty!"

When the driver in the front seat and Mayor Ma heard what Shen Qingcong said about the secret of her life experience, they had a vague premonition in their hearts.

It has been said that the person who knows more secrets usually dies sooner.

They just wished they were deaf and could not hear anything.

But they have all heard it, the prince will not attack them, will he?
Just when they were trembling with fear, they suddenly heard Xiao Chifeng's icy voice, "Mr. Driver, Mayor Ma, what the princess said just now, you'd better pretend that nothing happened." Listen, do you understand?"

When the driver and Mayor Ma heard the warning in Xiao Chifeng's words, their hearts shuddered, and they quickly responded, "Understood!" "Understood!"

Shen Qingcong said to the driver at this time, "Mr. Driver, please go back to Shen's house first!"

The driver responded loudly, "Yes!"

When Mayor Ma heard that Shen Qingcong was going to change his itinerary, he quickly took out the walkie-talkie he had requisitioned temporarily, and quickly ordered the escorting police cars, "Change the destination to Shen's house."

"Roger that!"

Xiao Chifeng originally wanted to prevent Shen Qingcong from returning to Shen's house, but he felt the negative emotions coming from her, and he was worried that if she was not allowed to vent, if she was suppressed like this, it might have a greater impact on her.

Although she had a tough attitude when she confronted Liang Sisi just now, in the final analysis, Liang Sisi's words still affected her.

She also began to doubt her own life experience!
If she really wasn't Shen Daqiang's daughter, Xiao Chifeng felt that it was only natural that Shen Daqiang treated her badly after her biological mother died, and finally gave up on her.

Shen Qingcong also thought so in her heart.

Although she didn't have too many memories before she was ten years old, Shen Qingcong still remembered the very gentle way Shen Daqiang looked at her mother. He must love her mother very much.

Maybe it was because he loved her mother that he loved her, his non-biological daughter, so much, and when her mother died, he chose to give up on her.

Her own mother died when she was ten years old.

As for Liang Sisi, Shen Daqiang only married Shen Daqiang when she was about to enter junior high school after she had been single for several years.

Before that, Shen Qingcong couldn't figure it out, how could a father be so heartless and indifferent to his own daughter?On the contrary, he was so kind to Liang Han and Liang Lu who were not his own, even better than his own daughter, which was too puzzling.

Unless this person is abnormal, he will do such a thing!

But now, after she knows the truth of what Liang Sisi said, although the truth has not been confirmed, if this is the truth, if she is really not Shen Daqiang's biological daughter, then everything before is justified. pass.

 PS: Dear friends, help to vote after reading + put it in the bookshelf for collection~~~
(End of this chapter)

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