Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 328 Those Years, Unforgettable Memories

Chapter 328 Those Years, Unforgettable Memories

Shen's house, the smashed door was ajar, and there was a national policeman sitting at the door on duty.

When he heard Mayor Ma's voice downstairs, he immediately stood up nervously, walked to the stairs, stood upright, and waited for them to come up.

Soon, he saw Mayor Ma and his group coming up to protect Prince Xiao Chifeng and Crown Princess Shen Qingcong.

He immediately saluted them, "Hello, Prince! Hello, Princess! Mayor Ma!"

Shen Qingcong nodded to him kindly, and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing that Shen Qingcong remembered to care about him at this time, the national police officer on duty was flattered, and quickly shook his head, "It's not hard work, it's not hard work."

Shen Qingcong turned back to Mayor Ma and the others and said, "Mayor Ma, please wait outside for a while, the prince and I will go in and have a look, and we will come out later, okay?"

How could Mayor Ma dare to say no, he quickly nodded and said, "Okay, okay, then we will wait outside. If the princess has any orders, just call me."

Shen Qingcong nodded and said gratefully, "Okay, thank you."

Seeing that Shen Qingcong was about to go in, the national police officer on duty hurried forward to help them open the door so that she and Xiao Chifeng could go in. Before they went in, he kindly reminded, "Prince, princess, the inside The scene was not cleaned up, and it was still kept as it was, so it was a bit messy, after you go in, be careful, don't bump into it."

Shen Qingcong glanced at him, and said again, "Thank you."

Stepping into this familiar home, Shen Qingcong felt mixed feelings.

In the spacious and bright hall, there are still scars left after the fight. From these traces, we can see how fierce and crazy the fight was at that time.

Since she was sent to Xiao Chifeng by Shen Daqiang, she hasn't been back to this home for more than three years.

Back here now, Shen Qingcong's mind did not have many good memories from the past, but the deepest memories were all the very bad memories of Liang Sisi's family of three after they entered the house.

Those years of pain, those years of bitterness, those years of injury, those years of helplessness, each one, each one, seemed so unforgettable, so unforgettable, so painful to her heart.

"Scallion, look at me!"

When Xiao Chifeng saw Shen Qingcong's eyes full of sadness and pain, he knew that she must have fallen into the bad memories of the past again, so he quickly supported her shoulders, forcing her to look at him, and jump out of the things that made her feel demons. negative emotions.

Shen Qingcong raised her red eyes and looked at him, wanting to say something to him, but she didn't know what to say, so she just looked at him with beautiful eyes full of tears.

But Xiao Chifeng understood all the emotions in her eyes.

He could feel the pain in her heart, the helplessness in her heart, the sadness in her heart...

Xiao Chifeng didn't say anything, but just opened his strong and strong arms, pulled her into his arms domineeringly, protected her under his wings, and hugged her tightly.

Shen Qingcong wept silently...

His chest was soon wet with her tears.

Xiao Chifeng felt distressed...

After she cried for a while, Xiao Chifeng coaxed her softly, "Hey, don't cry! Crying too much hurts your body. You don't think about yourself, you have to think about the four babies in your stomach. I heard that, The bad mood of pregnant women will also affect the fetus..."

(End of this chapter)

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