Chapter 329 Doing a Paternity Test

Shen Qingcong choked up and said, "Achi, I have no relatives now. My mother left me early and left. The father I thought might not be there now. From now on, I will only have you, only you... ..."

When Xiao Chifeng heard her words, his eyes turned red with distress.

He blinked vigorously to clear away the floating mist, "Cong Cong, I will always stand by your side, as long as you need, I will always guard you, hold you, and love you like now , you not only have me, you will also have our children, when the four babies come out, you will have many, many family members, we will be with you, always be with you, don't be sad... "

His voice was a little hoarse, but like a blazing flame, he brought her the greatest warmth, burned away the coldness all over her body, and regained her vitality.

She raised her black eyes and looked at him quietly, the bottom of her eyes was full of gratitude and emotion.

"Achi, thank you, thank you for being with me at this time! Thank you!"

Xiao Chifeng lowered his head and kissed her forehead, hugged her tightly, and sighed softly, "What a silly girl!"

After Shen Qingcong had vented her negative emotions, under Xiao Chifeng's care and encouragement, she finally cheered up again.

When she wanted to use her mental power to search, she found that her mental power had been consumed too much this day and night, and she was already powerless.

Shen Qingcong quickly took out two bottles of spiritual spring water that were usually packed as spares from the space, handed one bottle to Xiao Chifeng, unscrewed a bottle herself, and drank it with her head raised.

The body was nourished by the spiritual spring water, and her spiritual energy was quickly restored.

After Xiao Chifeng drank the Lingquan water, he also felt that his somewhat exhausted spirit and body were revived again, as if he had been injected with chicken blood in an instant.

Shen Qingcong tried it, and felt that her mental power had fully recovered, so she used her mental power again, and started searching from the lobby, then searched the master bedroom where Shen Daqiang and the others lived, then went to the room where Liang Han lived, and finally, It was the room where she and Liang Lu lived together.

She hoped to find some clues about her mother and biological father in the Shen family, but found that she had searched the whole house, and she didn't find any clues.

Thinking about it, this suite has been occupied by Liang Sisi's family of three for so many years. With Liang Sisi's shrewd and cunning personality, how could she allow Shen Daqiang to leave traces of her mother's past, even if it is Even a little bit, she won't allow it.

Seeing that she couldn't find anything useful, Shen Qingcong said to Xiao Chifeng, "Let's go!"

"it is good."

Mayor Ma and his group were guarding outside. When they saw Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong coming out, Mayor Ma hurried up to greet them, "Prince, Princess, are you going back to the hotel now?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at Shen Qingcong.

Shen Qingcong nodded, "Go back to the hotel first."


Jiangcheng Guest House covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters. It is an antique garden-style building. There are large and small meeting rooms, multi-functional halls, living rooms, etc. inside. All kinds of software and hardware equipment are first-class. , it is also the designated place for the Jiangcheng Municipal Government to entertain distinguished guests and guests from all parties.

Under the escort of everyone, Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong checked into the best suite in the guest house.

Shen Qingcong summoned Mayor Ma in again, tore off a few strands of her own hair, and handed them over to Mayor Ma, who asked him to send to the forensic doctor Lin Huainan to do the most direct DNA paternity test with Shen Daqiang's body.

 PS: The sixth update is over, ask for tickets, please put it in the bookshelf for collection, and ask for five-star praise!ok~
(End of this chapter)

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