Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 330 The Warmth and Touch of That Moment

Chapter 330 The Warmth and Touch of That Moment

When Mayor Ma was about to go out, Xiao Chifeng called him again, "Mayor Ma, wait a moment."

Mayor Ma turned his head and asked with a respectful smile, "Prince, what other orders do you have?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at him lightly, and asked lightly, "You should know the seriousness of this matter, right?"

Even though Xiao Chifeng's attitude was neither fierce nor cold, it did not affect his frightening coercion and momentum at all.

Even if he just stood there quietly, it was enough to make everyone tremble and surrender.

When Mayor Ma heard Xiao Chifeng's question, he instantly understood what he meant.

He immediately raised his chest, put away his smile, nodded with a serious face, and expressed his attitude very politely, "Prince, I know the importance of this matter, and I also understand the confidentiality of this matter, don't worry , I will personally supervise Lin Huainan to handle this matter well, and I will strictly order him to keep it secret, and absolutely not to leak a word."

Xiao Chifeng reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with satisfaction, "Very good! Mayor Ma, your performance is very good. If there is a chance in the future, would you like to work in my staff?"

Mayor Ma instantly felt as if he was hit by a pie falling from the sky, and he was so surprised that he was dumbfounded.

If he can really enter the prince's staff group, then he will have the opportunity to become a member of the cabinet in the future!The olive branch extended by the crown prince is like giving him a great opportunity to reach the sky in one step!
It took a while for Mayor Ma to react.

He couldn't control his expression, he squinted his eyes with joy, and hurriedly nodded and bowed to Xiao Chifeng and said, "I am willing! Of course I am willing! It is my Ma's honor that the prince can take a fancy to me! Great It's an honor! Thank you, Prince, thank you, thank you, hehehe..."

Xiao Chifeng was infected by his ecstatic attitude, and also raised his lips in a rare way, showing him an encouraging smile, "Go! Do it for me!"

Mayor Ma grinned so much that his mouth almost reached his ears, but he straightened his body and replied loudly, "Yes! I promise to complete the task assigned by the leader!"

Mayor Ma left happily.

Only then did Xiao Chifeng return to Shen Qingcong's side and sit down.

Seeing Qing Cong leaning on the leather sofa so tired, there was a circle of faint blue marks under her closed eyes, which was particularly obvious on her jade-white face, Xiao Chifeng couldn't help feeling distressed again.

He gently stretched out his hand, stroked her delicate and beautiful face, and asked softly, "Are you tired? I'll run water for you to take a bath."

Shen Qingcong opened her dark eyes, looked at him, smiled slightly, and said lightly, "Okay."

Now in this special period, she has to enjoy the queen-level treatment. After giving birth, she may not have such a legitimate reason to enjoy his service as a matter of course.

Looking at his tall and strong back, and thinking of him being a big man, but willingly busying himself around for her, Shen Qingcong only felt warm in his heart.

The moment of moving was like a warm current, warming her whole body.

Her Ah Chi is such a good man!
After a while, Xiao Chifeng came out, "Song Cong Cong, the water is ready, come here quickly!"

Shen Qingcong walked over and walked into the bathroom.

Seeing Xiao Chifeng also walk in and close the bathroom door, Shen Qingcong stared at him with wide eyes, "Ah Chi, you are..."

(End of this chapter)

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