Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 331 Seeing You Sad, I Feel Painful!

Chapter 331 Seeing You Sad, I Feel Painful!
"I want to accompany you!"

Xiao Chifeng looked at her with dark eyes, and there were two scorching flames jumping inside, Shen Qingcong blushed a little from his straightforward eyes.

She shyly stretched out her hand and pushed him, "Stop playing, get out!"

Seeing her shy appearance, Xiao Chifeng suddenly burst out laughing.

He approached her with a smirk, his clear eyes recovered, and with obvious banter, he looked at her and asked with a smile, "My little Cong Cong, I was just worried that you were tired and wanted to help you, what do you think? What do I want to do? Are you thinking about something bad again in your little head? "

Shen Qingcong glared at him angrily, "Xiao Chifeng, your skin is itchy, aren't you?"

Xiao Chifeng reached out and pinched her pink face, and laughed, "Oh, my little Congcong is angry, okay, I'm going out, I'm going out, darling, be careful by yourself..."

"Come on, I'll be fine."

While speaking, Shen Qingcong pushed him out of the door.

After Xiao Chifeng laughed like this, Shen Qingcong's mood inexplicably improved a lot.

Seeing the smile appearing on her face again, Xiao Chifeng, who was locked out of the bathroom door by her, let out a long breath.

He was really afraid that she had been suppressing himself. In this day and night, so many things happened, even a grown man might not be able to bear such a blow.

The news of his father's murder and death has not yet been digested, and he also learned that this father may not be his own father. Xiao Chifeng can fully understand and imagine how much shock and pressure Qing Cong is under.

The emotions of pregnant women are more likely to fluctuate and are more sensitive. He is really afraid that she will not be able to handle it!
That's why he tried his best to warm her up and make her happy.

As long as he can help her get out of this blow and shadow, even if he wants to play a clown, he is willing!

Now it seems that his method is still effective, and the green onion was amused by him just now.

She'll laugh, and that's a good thing.

Xiao Chifeng has been guarding the door of the bathroom, not daring to leave half a step, so he quietly waited for her to come out.

When Shen Qingcong saw him when he came out, she was still a little surprised, "Ah Chi, why are you standing here? It's been a long day and a night, and you don't go to rest, you want me to feel sorry for you, don't you?"

Xiao Chifeng hugged her, smelled the fragrance from her body, smiled softly, "Yes, I just want you to love me, I'm your man, if you don't love me, then who do you want to love? "

Shen Qingcong gently pushed him away, and suddenly said to him with a serious face, "Achi, I know, you are making me happy, you don't have to wrong yourself to please me, you just have to stand by my side, It can bring me strength, that's enough! Really, don't wrong yourself anymore, I will really love you and feel guilty, asking you to do so much for me."

Xiao Chifeng hugged her tightly, patted her on the back lightly, and said softly, "Okay! I'll listen to you, and I won't deliberately tease you anymore, but you can't be sad anymore, otherwise, see Seeing you sad, my heart is also sad..."

Shen Qingcong nodded seriously, "Okay! I promise you, I will never be sad again, I will never be sad again, with you by my side, no matter what difficulties, I will definitely be able to overcome them."

Xiao Chifeng laughed loudly, "Okay! This is the Shen Qingcong I know, let those bullshit ghosts and snake spirits go away!"

(End of this chapter)

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