Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 335 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 1

Chapter 335 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 1
On X, 5, XX, the sky was fine.

Zigui came again today, and he brought me good news, saying that his sect is going to recruit new disciples, and he asked me to prepare and go to Xianshan with him to accept the entrance examination.

XX, X month 6th.

Today's weather is gloomy and gloomy, without a ray of sunshine.

There is always a sense of restlessness in my heart.

When the family was having breakfast, my father told me that he had already agreed with Zigui to let Zigui take his concubine sister Nalan Rong with us to Xianshan to accept the entrance examination.

My father also warned me with a serious face, let me take the overall situation into consideration, put the family first, and not be narrow-minded.

He also said that as long as our Nalan family can have one more talent and occupy one more position in Xianshan, then our Nalan family's position in the cultivation world will be more consolidated, and our words will have more weight.

But I really don't like Shumei in my heart.

Nalan Rong has a lot of eyes. At home, she likes to plot tricks, frame people, and pretend to be a white lotus.

If I stay with her for a long time, I am always worried that one day I will be tricked, and I am always afraid that as long as I am not careful one day, I will be fooled by my concubine sister.

With such a calculating woman by my side, I instinctively feel that there will be many more obstacles between me and Zigui. The trip I was looking forward to will definitely be very disharmonious and not beautiful.

On X month 7, XX, the sky was still cloudy.

I thought about it all night, but I still felt unhappy, so I went to my father again and said that I didn't want to take Nalan Rong there. If she had to go, then I asked my father to send someone to escort her. Don't return with me or Zigui. peers.

My father immediately scolded me, saying that I was ignorant and heartless to my family. He was very disappointed in me.

The father's attitude was very tough, and he finally said, "This matter is settled like this. I will go and talk to Zigui in person, so don't worry about it."

I'm so angry, but helpless...

On X month 10, XX, it rained.

Today is the day when Zigui took us to Xianshan, but it was raining heavily, which made me very uneasy.

This kind of weather is not suitable for traveling, but Zigui's vacation is limited, and the date of going back is also set, even if the weather is bad, he still has to start.

Along the way, Zigui cared for me wholeheartedly. I turned my head inadvertently several times and saw Nalan Rong looking at me with resentful and resentful eyes, as if he was going to eat me.

But she looked at Zigui in a blink of an eye, but it was full of affection, winking like silk, as if she wanted to take Zigui away from me.

I really, really hate the feeling of being stared at by this woman.

Nalan Rong is like a poisonous snake, waiting around my side, ready to pounce on me and bite me at any time, killing me.

I quietly told Zigui my worries.

Zigui comforted me with a smile, Yan'er, with me here, nothing will happen, I will protect you, I will not let you get hurt, if she really dares to touch you, I will definitely kill her!

We rushed all the way, and in the afternoon, we finally arrived at Xianshan Mountain.

Xianshan is the holy land of our cultivation world.

Today, the aura in all directions is thin, and even the world of self-cultivation, which is isolated from the secular world, is not necessarily much better.

In the secular world outside, it is said that there are no practitioners anymore.

Only the pure land of Xianshan still maintains a cultivation environment rich in aura.

If you want to achieve something in the journey of cultivating immortals, you have to join the sect of Xianshan. Only with good resources can you have good achievements.

This is also the reason why people in the cultivation world are so crowded that they all want to squeeze into the fairy mountain.


(End of this chapter)

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